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Everything posted by DFRESH

  1. I want a liter of cola. That's a great movie
  2. @123abc: That vid was awesome. Unfortunately, I'm sure the officer will get in all kinds of PC bullshit trouble for doing what needed to be done.
  3. I have a funny feeling we will end up having to know all of it anyways.
  4. Holy $hit..... I figured it out.... If you were bangin that, you must have been on some seriously potent shit. Hell, props to you for ingesting that much of whatever drug it was and still living. Of course you get negative points for hooking up with that... But all the points aside, the lights were just part of the tripping. Littering and.... Littering and..... Littering and.... Littering and
  5. As mentioned in another thread, any posting about a chick is required to have pictures for proof.... post them fast!
  6. still holding out for the link to that thread.
  7. Did they install a disco light in the MPF? At least they wouldn't seem so out of place with their belts on. I'm going to Patrick's MPF Monday morning. I will remember not to eat before going in there, so I don't
  8. I miss Dallas (all info contained here is at least 2 years old).... For Mexican food, there is La Hacienda and then there is the best f'n tex-mex I have ever had, but it will cost you a long drive. Take 287 north to Decatur Texas, then take FM51 South for a couple miles... Casa Torres is on the right, looks like somebody's house next to a gas station. please overnight me some of their hot salsa (you have to request it, they only give the mild stuff normally). As for living situations.. what kind of place are you intersted in? Looking to buy or rent? House or apartment?
  9. Last time I checked, there's no space stations between the kitchen and my bedroom..... WTF was she doing working on one?
  10. DFRESH


    F'n awesome! I'm watching that right now on slingbox. And the AT-6B looks pretty sweet too. (Of course, anything beats the 172 right now)
  11. Not heard by my self, but repeatedly reported by many others: Erau @ KDAB uses "Riddle" as callsign. Busy day in the area for Riddle a/c and a guy transitioning from Jax calls up "Riddle me this, what the hell is with all the riddles?" not as good as some others on here, but still somewhat amuzing. Another one involves a Riddle and a Papa Echo (from nearby Pheonix East, who has a contract with some certain foreigners that generally answer tech support lines) heard on clearance: "Riddle ### would like to request VFR to the north practice area @ 3k with Charlie/Foxtrot (don't remember the atis)" clearance starts readback and get's stepped on.... garbled, and then when clearence stops xmit "uhhhh also uhhh to the north practeece are-eee-ah, uhhh N6969 PaaaPaaa Acho" Riddle to clearance: "Riddle ### can we change that to the south practice area"
  12. Yeah, I'm trying to decide if I'm gonna buy books next semester or upgrade from the Tilt to the Fuze.... it's a tough choice....
  13. I'm a big fan of HTC products... check them out at https://www.htc.com/us/us_product_operator.aspx I've had three different models of their phones, all have been amazing.
  14. I'd like to "release my inner rock star" on Hedi.
  15. I was @ the NAS jax show as well, and thought it was a little strange that they pulled # 4 for Sunday's show. Side note, one a/c had a gear unsafe indication and a flaps issue @ the end of the show Sunday, as heard on their Channel 16 freq.
  16. That speech gave me a woody (no homo)..... is that bad? I hope I can serve under (sts) somebody like you one day. 2 on the pinning.... this should definitely be pinned.
  17. Thanks! I tried some googling prior to posting, I guess I wasn't using the right terms.... I think I tried "fighter terminology", which gave me a bunch of street fighter stuff, and then a few other random ideas. Thanks for the scanner glossary link. Tons of stuff in there. What's funny is that I had been to that website and didn't even check out the scanner glossary. You rock Toro. And to HossHarris, I will grab my favorite, some , and go enjoy.
  18. Thread Revival (Since Dos Gringos is coming back for more)..... What do they mean in 2's blind when they say "We got spiked and lead went to the notch" Thanks!
  19. Can we expect this blog to stay alive? Considering the recent mysterious dissappearance of all of the other ones.
  20. This guy has some pretty good stuff. I emailed him for some ideas on how tough it is to train for the FACT, and he responded very quickly with all kinds of advice. Here's a link to his stuff for the PFT: https://www.military.com/military-fitness/a...fitness-program You can browse around there to find ideas.
  21. I brought everything but the kitchen sink and ended up in BDU's every day. One of my friends went and had to wear blues once. I would say chances are you will be in BDU's 99% of the time. I would bring one set of blues just in case, tho. Have you been contacted by your cadre yet?
  22. @ PaddyPilot: Riddle offers the "assurance grant" basically saying if you get an AFROTC scholarship they will find at least an additional $7K. Are you going to the DAB campus or Prescott? I had a buddy in AE, full ride Type I, really cool guy, threw it all away this summer cuz it wasn't his thing. He just wasn't feelin the AE, and he was able to get a full ride at his home state college. Supposedly AE is some tough shit, so be ready. I personally am going the AS route, but I figure I won't get a scholarship.
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