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Everything posted by DFRESH

  1. I just checked the certs and they're good to go... Can you screenshot what you're seeing?
  2. Hey guys, let's refrain from publishing numbers of damaged aircraft, rumint or otherwise, until the DOD releases that information publicly. Thanks!
  3. Has anybody uninstalled and reinstalled the app?
  4. Sorry folks, I'm a terrible app owner and don't even maintain an iPhone any more (or any iOS device). How is the update working?
  5. Thread revival. I just recently started using Robinhood to buy random stocks. Seems like a pretty solid no fee app. If anybody wants to join, check out my link and you'll get a free random stock (and so will I). So far I've gotten a couple stocks valued at around $5/each. https://share.robinhood.com/douglam460
  6. There should be an update in the next 24 hours to the iOS app. That update should resolve the issues.
  7. Still beats the shit out of the chevy cruze you would be renting through DTS.
  8. I've got a car for rent at Nellis. Prefer to get longer term rentals, but flexible. Check it out below. Message me for deals... I will beat DTS rates whenever I can, if the trip is long enough. https://turo.com/rentals/cars/nv/las-vegas/bmw-3-series/422380
  9. Lemme know if you're interested.
  10. Hey guys, sorry I'm just getting to this, been out of the country eating a shit ton of kimchi. I'll look into it.
  11. This. Never got confirmation of who the "real" gearpig was. Disabled the offending account and combed the logs to make sure there wasn't any other funny business going on.
  12. Because in the admin logs I can see that Gearpig was merged with another account and then both were deleted. Either the individual that is Gearpig had decided to create a fake account and then merge both and delete all previous content, or somebody was able to gain access to his BO account and then performed the merge and delete operation. The reason I'm trying to get a hold of Gearpig is to warn him that if somebody was able to get into his BO account, there's a high likelihood that it's because they already had access to his e-mail account. Or to see if he had some kind of reason for doing such a strange thing and then leaving BO.
  13. Please remove your tin foil hat. An individual's account was compromised. His content was then deleted.
  14. Apparently all started by Gearpig, whose account was potentially compromised and the individual that stole it deleted all his stuff. Or he did.
  15. Folks - I've gotten to the bottom of the missing threads. As the big announcement on the front page reads, if you know who GEARPIG is, please PM me so I can get his/her contact info. Thanks!
  16. https://drive.google.com/open?id=13x9FOw_xloY6EndhYYjyDLejN1_5WyAl https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Z4wGspANxXD2G1r-9uIx8PmMKni1Z8Re https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pHjcGmUelPa93N74V3iFdPGWG44cOdNy
  17. Lightly used Garmin D2 Aviation Watch. Has a tiny nick on the face, barely noticeable. Comes with USB cable for charging and data sync. Works for fitness tracking as well as flight tracking. Fighter playback ranges from unusable to slightly worse than ACMI. I imagine it would be awesome in a heavy aircraft. Has WAAS, can interface via Bluetooth to your EFB. My favorite feature is the customize-able cabin pressure altitude warning, works for ascent and descent. The nice thing about this watch vs the D2 Bravo or D2 Charlie is that it can operate completely stand-alone (ie without your phone).
  18. Aviano specifically carried extra gas to account for it when I left there a year or so ago. Or maybe that was to drive the gas requirements so high we would have to cancel and go drink espressos until we switched to wine.
  20. Yeah, lemme look into that.
  21. Should be fixed now!
  22. They have not. I'm e-mailing them now.
  23. The team that builds the app will be randomly tinkering with the plugin and the site over the next 24 hours or so. Hopefully they can get it resolved soon.
  24. Next time UTFSF.
  25. Finally got pushed up to a higher level of support. Still no results though.
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