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Everything posted by DFRESH


    Quote issues

    Hmmmm. Lemme try some quoting and I'll see what I can do to improve it. Sent from my SM-G930F using Baseops Network Forums mobile app
  2. If you purchased the PRO! Android app, please PM me with the google account you used. That software will no longer be available/updated on the play store starting today.

    iOS app updates

    Interesting. There should be an update coming out within a day or so. Recommend try uninstalling completely and then reinstalling. Sorry for the flail.
  4. That's the entire story. I cracked a centerline tank during a really shitty landing in the B-course.
  5. Video proof that you guys got the chemtrail mod!
  6. Thanks! I already got orders, so hopefully next week I can start working the HHG and "defendant" travel. I guess my next concern is finances.... should I just keep living in the empty house to collect OHA/Utils? Did you file non-concurrent travel on your PCS travel voucher?
  7. Nellis... Specifically the CAS Integration Group or the Tactical Air Support Squadron, depending on the time of day. Yeah, I can't find any specifics in the JTR for the "earliest" departure/hhg shipments.... I also can't figure out when it becomes non-concurrent travel... one guy mentioned it possibly being non-simultaneous concurrent travel. I'll probably just have to wait until I'm done with this TDY and back at home station so I can hear what the local interpretation of the JTR is.
  8. Friends, Trying to get advice on the best way to handle my travel plans. The background: I'm currently OCONUS accompanied. We've been assigned to a CONUS location next. My DEROS is December. My RNLT is mid December. I have orders in hand for PCS. I'm competitive for a TDY en route (SOS) in November, but I don't have official notification on that yet. What I'm trying to accomplish: Send wife/son early to occupy the house we're buying. I'd like them to be in place the second week of October. I'd also like our hhg to arrive sometime relatively shortly after they get there (within a few weeks) What advice do you have to help me accomplish this plan? It seems easy if I get amendments to go to SOS en route. What if I don't? Thanks in advance!
  9. He's not paying anything. He's not. Originally, based off of content, I assessed it was a good idea to include a feed of JQP articles into a sub-forum so folks could continue in a semi-anonymous manner to provide feedback using BODN. Now, based off of a lack of valuable content, I am removing said sub-forum. If you like his articles, favorite his page.
  10. It looks like I need to ops check the language blocker. Why do we have one of those anyways?
  11. Does anybody have any details about the CAS Integration Group being stood up at Nellis? https://www.airforcemag.com/DRArchive/Pages/2015/March 2015/March 09 2015/CAS-Integration-Group-to-Stand-up-at-Nellis.aspx
  12. Anybody use GOVx? What are your thoughts? Baseops gets a small kickback if you sign up for their free site using our landing page, which is in my signature block.
  13. DFRESH

    iOS app updates

    Are you using your display name to log in?
  14. Is it one specific thread? One sub-forum? The actual baseops.net homepage?
  15. Solid find! Have you tried the "Airport Meet & Greet" benefit yet?
  16. I just got an e-mail from SeaWorld, apparently they're in a major PR campaign to recover from the recent "documentary" about their whales. Anywho, I would probably steer clear of there for the next year or so, as they're likely to be doing serious construction. I'm taking the wife and 4 month old to Florida as well, and we'll likely check out BG this year, and SW next year (after they should be done with the construction).
  17. DFRESH

    iOS app updates

    Interesting. Part of the reason for the update was changing the ownership of the app to the developer I was outsourcing. That means they have the ability to modify ad appearance so they can make money.
  18. Shack
  19. DFRESH

    iOS app updates

    Have I mentioned I hate apple products?
  20. DFRESH

    iOS app updates

    Friends, expect a new update to the iOs app soon. You will have to run the update to maintain access with the app.
  21. Cool stuff, moving to marketplace.
  22. Made some significant updates to the board today.... Maybe that solved it? I haven't done any real in-depth troubleshooting as of yet, just hoping a few needed updates would resolve the problem. Expect a completely new version of both the android and apple app to be brought to market in about a month.
  23. Very very interesting... I'm looking into it. Just to be sure, you're not pasting the link and then quickly hitting submit?
  24. Embedding youtube videos: Simply copy the youtube URL and paste it into your post, wait a few moments and it will expand into an embedded frame.
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