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Everything posted by DFRESH

  1. Very interesting. Thanks for the data. I'll look into it.
  2. https://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/615251/civil-air-pat rol-joins-total-force-airmen.aspx I'm just gonna leave this here...
  3. Okay, I've adjusted those default settings so you should not get "double notifications" about PMs. Additionally, all notification settings can be adjusted per user by clicking the arrow next to your name in the top right corner, then select "notification settings". Thanks for the feedback
  4. Can you try it now?

    login blocked

    That's really strange. The way the new board handles that task shouldn't cause an issue like that.

    login blocked

    That's really interesting... Did it allow you to use the quick reply window at the bottom of a thread?
  7. Disregard... I'm not seeing the auto-smilies... I'll continue to look into it B) JarheadBoom - Thanks for the update... That's very interesting. Quick question, did you have an e-mail address in your account profile before the migration? Also, the view new content feature should be fixed now.
  8. No worries, my "jump to conclusions" mat is safely stowed. I seriously doubt it was one of my bros that hit the other. I just haven't been able to talk to either of those bros yet. I hope all is well. I wonder if they're still going to show the second Monday accidents clip next week at RF? That one always makes me cringe.
  9. Any words on who the pilots were? I have two good bros in that squadron and haven't been able to get ahold of either.
  10. I reduced the size of the JQP icon, but apparently icons stay in the cache for a while.
  11. DFRESH

    login blocked

    Any luck? It's working great at my deployed location.
  12. Strange. My only guess is local cache. It'll settle out over time. As far as I can tell, the server is always sending the thumbs up.
  13. As to the original question... "How do I delete messages", It doesn't make much sense to me, but it appears like you "delete" a message by "leaving" it:
  14. Is anybody still seeing a heart icon for the like/dislike?
  15. Valid, but I'm saying I wasn't asked to re-validate.
  16. I'm about to change my AMEX Delta to an AMEX Delta Reserve card... I'll let you know if I have to reapply for the SCRA or if it transfers... As far as I can remember, I didn't have to re-up my SCRA when I switched my HHonors to HHonors Surpass....
  17. would you be willing to download a beta app?
  18. Sorry, That's just an error in the settings. I'll fix it. Supreme users have unlimited PMs
  19. DFRESH

    login blocked

    Friends, I purchased and installed a certificate. Please try to log in on NIPR via: https://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/
  20. Fixed the gay ass heart problem... Working on the others. Confirm when you say "iphone app" you mean the Baseops App, not the generic Tapatalk App?
  21. Technique, don't call, use the link I posted. Web programs don't have feelings, they just do what they're told.
  22. I got my SCRA approved in November of last year... so not last week, but fairly recent.
  23. It has come to my attention that some of our long time members accounts disappeared during the migration. I have a priority ticket in with the programmers to re-connect those accounts. Please bear with me as I get this straightened out. If your account went missing, please e-mail me the pertinent details to: missingaccount at flyingsquadron.com
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