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Everything posted by SHFP

  1. Sorry “HercDude”, you were probably not born, or old enough, to understand what McNamara did to us during his Vietnam time.
  2. SpeedOfHeat has serious TDS posting two Missives in under an hour.
  3. So the big "October Surprise"...Biden pardons his son, steps down, and Harris becomes President...thus helping to insure her being elected. Probably all planned months ago by the DNC and the Democratic Cabal. Hey, tac airlifter...you and me betting again?
  4. Ok TAC, not sure of what to Bet on with you or other BOs. Since POTUS was taken to the (Yellowstone) Train Station by the DNC, this whole Election S Show is now a real Cluster Fng Furball. Hoping for the/another Reagan Revolution of the Silent Majority that I experienced. But not hopeful. In the interim, I’ll be drinking anyway...LOL
  5. Then there is Warrior Walz. The great Master and Commander, Super Gun Sergeant of Above All.
  6. Hideout Harris. The great Khameleon.
  7. Maybe the Booze Bet I won from ya about when POTUS would step down? Even though I was off by a few days, but you were determined to pay. So I’ll be drinking it this week. Thanks TAC
  8. Here you go guys…And Huggy maybe you can get Mark to add this to his Collection of Warbirds. https://barnfinds.com/fighter-jet-fixer-upper-canadair-f-86-sabre-mk-6/
  9. TAC Air….I missed the call by a few days.
  10. Yes, Tac......he will step down I think by Monday. But I will honor my opinion about manana. Will PM you with what "Bottle" you would like...no Chateau Margaux though....
  11. All orchestrated by the DNC. Tomorrow he will step aside for health reasons. MSM (ABC, CBS, NBC, etc, etc) will declare "Breaking News", and stop covering the Republicans Convention, thus denying Trump his moment of glory.....
  12. I’m sure he can’t wait to chat with the Secret Service.
  13. Time for Brandon to Unload, AB, and Bug Out....and declare himself a Dot! And for me to go to bed...LOL...
  14. Love this Fur Ball....keep it up....Helps us Oldies have something to eat and drink to. Except, don't get too late in the evening, past our 4pm Bedtime. CHECK 6
  15. So why did President Biden go to a Waffle House (or ANY place) after the Debate with the “Cold” that the White House said he was suffering with, shake hands, and hug….And let alone without a Mask!? WTF
  16. Great Huggy, plan is to have 546 gear seals replaced along with a few minor stuff done and flying by Fall for the Jet Blast. FYI....sent you a PM.
  17. Hopefully, when we get the gear seals replaced (also hopefully soon) you can fly it. Actually it is fun and easy to fly...I instructed in the Tweet and always wanted to fly the A-37.
  18. Hanging out as 4 on the A-37.
  19. But back on Subject of “GA Aircraft Flown”…. Bought myself my last GA Toy🤡
  20. The KC-97 was often challenging if at Night and with reduced visibility. Had to lock out the Slats to prevent there cycling as our speed was so slow. So it was a wallow. Additionally, we would refuel in a slow descent. USAFE operations required to be Mission Ready you need 4 successful refuelings. 2 135s, Day and Night, and 2 97s. But if your first in house (USAFE) was a Night 97 and you could demonstrate abilities, then the other 3 were waived.
  21. Someone say Bear
  22. IMG_8803.HEICIMG_8806.HEIC
  23. I agree with brabus...two Mig killer friends (one with 2), I think, would also agree. But I'll confirm manana.
  24. Springer, now we are the Dinos that we talked about and with....In the early 70s, stationed in USAFE, I met an O-6 during NATO Crested Cap that asked me to help him plan a Low Level into France. As I recall, I think he was the CC of the "Tacos" (New Mexico ANG) flying A-7s. When asked the Route he wanted to fly and why, he told me he had flown P-51s and wanted to see his WW2 Airfield, even if it was no longer there. Flew three wars. I think he was probably about a young 55 or so!
  25. Any you remember when the ORD Ground instructions were something like: Taxi via the "Outer" to "Cargo" to the "Wedge" to the "Inner"? I always told both my FOs and SOs (727) to listening up and after exiting the runway to be prepared to write down the ORD Ground instructions. And once, neither did, and fortunately, I knew the "Drill"...and so they bought drinks that night.
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