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  1. I can probably count on both hands the number of nice things I've heard the media say about Trump over the last 5 years. He's viscously attacked no matter what he does. They don't even try to be objective. What they've been casting him and his supporters as has been very harmful to the social fabric of the country. Trump has actually trolled the media with these last minute "mix ups" on several occasions. I always find it humorous and, in contrast with what the media does to him, it is harmless.
  2. The media has been "trolling" him every waking minute for the last 5 years.
  3. Yes. The pilot section is easy. At worst he'll likely get in the mid 90's the second time around. Whatever hit his PCSM score might take from a slightly lower pilot score he can make up for by building more flight hours.
  4. Keep pushing. Retake the AFOQT if you can and find another recruiter to work with. Get your work situation straightened out...assume your potential squadron is going to call your manager and ask about you...you'd want nothing short of a glowing review, right? As others have suggested, consider reconsidering only wanting fighters.
  5. Update: I have been offered an interview. The catch is that the squadron did not ask about background history in their application. I have accepted the interview invitation but I am torn. Should I go to the interview and blindside them with my background info either at the interview or at a later date, or should I contact the squadron asap and preemptively tell them?
  6. Anyone hear back from the 303'd?
  7. I'm at it again since finding out the age limit got raised. Got busy with work, school, and some flight training I've been doing (taking IR checkride soon). Been sending out applications to guard squadrons and am getting in touch with active duty and reserve recruiters. I'm also expanding to the Army's WOFT program (which I have tried in the past but was rejected with them as well). All the guard squadrons in the last 3 months have given me the "no thanks", however I am seeing a sliver of hope. When asking for feedback I was told by 1 squadron that my history is not totally disqualifying and suggested I include a short essay in future applications describing the circumstances of my life at the time and what I've learned from it. Another squadron suggested doing the same thing. It's crazy how I just can't let this go. I am so determined to do this and yet hate myself so much for my screw ups in life. Just updating in case any gives a sh*t and of course I'm still open to input and advice on how to go about applying. Anyone interested in reviewing my app?? Has anyone done the professional review by bogidope? I can keep you all posted if anyone is interested to know how it turns out.
  8. https://www.rt.com/news/462533-iran-cyber-attack-unsuccessful/ Iran says they foiled it. If true, then better to find out now that it wouldn't have worked when it really counted.
  9. In 4 years of applying I have had 1 interview. My scores are good, GPA is good, LOR's are good, PPL etc. My problem is that I will need waivers/ETP's for medical, moral, and now age standards. I've been trouble free for 7 years now, but I've been arrested 5 times in my teens and again when I was 21. One of the arrests resulted in felony charges, and 2 arrests resulted in misdemeanors. The other 3 arrests I was released without charges. I have not been convicted of anything since I either did community service or my lawyer got the case dismissed. I also have 10 traffic violations but all of those were taken care of with drivers safety school. I was on medication for anxiety/depression for 1 year in 2010 and I had PRK surgery in 2014. I've sorted all my behavioral problems out. Still, nobody wants to touch me and I don't blame them. I recently got rejected again by the air force reserves applying as unsponsored, but the recruiter told me if I can find a Lt Colonel willing to help me with the ETP's then the recruiter could work with me. But I'm not sure how to do that since I've applied to pretty much every ANG unit and many reserve units and the feedback is always the same about the concerns with my background. I knew this was going to be a big uphill battle before I even started putting my application together but I feel my calling is to military aviation and so it is worth it to try no matter how slim the chances. I've given up several times only to find myself mailing out applications again. I've given up again but yet here I am asking for pointers. What approach would you guys take if you were me?
  10. Just deleting some embarrassing "advice" I thought I was giving.
  11. They are still on track with their proposed timeline from earlier this year. Their last shelf offering should fund them through the first quarter of 2018 and some big milestones will be reached along the way. Price is down due to fear and nothing else.
  12. Last time I applied to them I got a rejection letter in the mail.
  13. I don't know for sure, but I'd guess that they would not dump the da Vinci if they acquired the SPORT. The SPORT should supplant the da Vinci for the most part, but not completely. The single-port approach does have limitations that the multi-port approach can overcome. So, some hospitals might want to keep both consoles available. When I say some hospitals though, I am referring to the major medical centers where money seems to be no object. Smaller regional centers that are most cost conscious that mainly do simple routine procedures don't have a need for the da Vinci, perhaps partly because of the costs of the console. But, they do have a need for something with the capabilities, and at the price point, of the SPORT. As I said, robotic surgery is a multi-billion dollar per year industry. If Titan Medical can finally get this off the ground, then many see it as being a slam dunk.
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