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  1. Current 13O here. The job looks a lot like a staff position within the AOC and will vary depending on which AOC you’re out-placed too, which division you’re in, team you’re on, etc. The majority of folks will go to geographic AOCs following IQT at HRT, but the aperture is starting to open for other assignments (CCMDs, functional OCs, HAF, etc.). The demand signal is increasing for 13O expertise and the community is starting to make a name for itself. Are there hurdles/challenges to overcome still? Yes, but CSAF and other GOs recognize the value of the career field and expertise and the remaining hurdles are not insurmountable.
  2. Has anyone been notified yet? If not, when will Sq/CC’s get access to the list?
  3. sirjrod00

    PCS Bingo

    I went home and used Firefox for the DPS website...it was the only way I could get it to work.
  4. Does anyone have vis on FY14 SOS dates? AU's website only lists the dates for the rest of FY13. Thanks.
  5. Thanks for all the good info. As far as the application process for the AU OLMP...I applied a couple of weeks ago to test the waters with it and haven't heard anything from AU yet. There's very little information I can find regarding the application and registration process. Does anyone remember how that worked for them? I would like to get the ball rolling on this ASAP. Additionally, are the classes offered pretty regularly or are some offered only during certain semesters?
  6. I would like to get some opinions on what might be the best road to go down as far as a Masters (i.e. easiest program). Recent WIC grad, very little masters complete already through AMU, and plenty of time to get one since my O-4 board has been pushed back. I could do the AU OLMP route where I get 12 credits leaving me 21 left and, unless I'm not reading it correctly, no ACSC credit with that program. The other option is through AMU...with my previous credits, they will give me 15 credits leaving me with 21 left to complete. There are pros and cons to both...looking for insight from guys that have done either program and recommendations. I'm trying to balance a hectic TDY schedule with family and still check the required box with the easiest program at this point.
  7. C-17 Pilots: We've been waiting for you UAV Pilots: We've been waiting for you
  8. There were 4 of us in a car the other night coming back on to base here at Kirtland...the civilian gate guards check one ID and then they let us on with no problem. On our way to billeting, while we were on base, we get flagged down with flashlights by a road block of sky cops. They have the road blocked off and are doing 100% ID checks. Not 100% ID checks to get on base, but 100% ID checks by a road block on base. WTF?
  9. Thread almost got to the second page...thought I would help with that
  10. They do issue you government glasses, but I have not worn them once in my 5 years of flying, and I wear glasses regularly. I have a set that I bought myself that I wear and nobody has told me I can't wear them, even though you are technically suppose to wear the government issued ones. However, I do bring them with me for the yearly physical and eye exam, as well as keep 2 sets in my helmet bag, and even then they haven't told me to put them on.
  11. Well this pretty much sucks...anyone know what type of house an O-3 with a wife and no kids/no pets is looking at? I am really hoping to avoid the towers...getting too old for the apartment style living. I am getting there around November and I'm already TDY enroute, so my HHGs are already shipped.
  12. It's been a couple of days...
  13. This was in an earlier post: PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY This Volume’s regulations pertain to per diem, travel and transportation allowances, relocation allowances, and certain other allowances of Uniformed Service Active Duty and Reserve Component members. When necessary, a Uniformed Service may supplement these regulations with administrative regulations (see par. U1010), but may not prescribe allowances that differ in amount or type from those authorized by these regulations, unless specifically permitted. Here is what's listed in the Kirtland AFB formal school welcome letter: If you have any problems with billeting, please bring them to the attention of the billeting front desk and the billeting manager. If you are unable to resolve the issue with the billeting staff, contact the 58 TRS First Sergeant, 3-xxxx. We will work with you and the billeting staff to resolve the matter. Kirtland AFB billeting has a waiver from HQ USAF that allows them to involuntarily move students back to on-base quarters after initially being sent to commercial lodging. If you are given commercial lodging during your stay, be prepared to come back to the base. Any thoughts on this?
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