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    FOB Clovistan

fightintexasaggie's Achievements


SNAP (1/4)



  1. I don't know man, I thought the worst part of the brief was when he told us that Donner Kebab was getting sh*tcanned. Talk about a morale killer...
  2. Dallas? Hell, it's been way farther than that. We took it to all the way to gay-SBC (with a stop in New Orleans for Marti Gras on the way back). We even got it signed by Dos Gringos when they played at one of the assignment nights. It's currently getting a new engine installed. She WILL fly again...
  3. EN 09-06 Drop (IIRC... ) 1 F-22 2 F-15E 1 KC-135 2 C-17 2 F-15C 1 B-52 1 B-1 1 T-6 1 T-38 1 UAV
  4. Ouch. Definitely a step backward for Guard recruiting... especially after this commercial. https://www.hawgsmoke.com/assets/video/A10%20PSA.wmv
  5. A Houston-based liquor/fine wine/cheese? chain called Spec's sells it and they always have it in stock. You can order it by the case online if you're really that desperate. Good thing it's cheap. www.specsonline.com
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