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Everything posted by RASH

  1. So now I'm not only responsible for my own family, but someone else's also? Two questions for you... 1) How do you propose reducing future benefits? 2) How do you propose increasing funding? I'm pretty sure I know your answer--just want to "hear" you say it...
  2. Good on ya! You're the first of over 40 folks I've spoke with who had success with it. My snoring actually worsened after it healed up, and continued to get worse for the last 13 years of my career. I retired in 09, had a sleep study done after my fini flight, and got the CPAP. I've worn the mask every night with no problems, and just like you I didn't know it was possible to feel that rested after sleeping for 8 hours.
  3. Disclaimer: I'm not a doc, however DO NOT get a UPPP under any circumstances. I got one in 1996, and have had problems swallowing/eating ever since. It did NOTHING for my snoring, not to mention the fact it hurt like hell for about 3 weeks afterwards. I've also spoken with several others who had the same results, and I have yet to meet anyone who said it works. YMMV...
  4. If you think all of the Republicans that voted for sequester did so solely to save tax cuts for the wealthy, you're smoking dope.
  5. Must be nice to be able to justify absolutely anything as right. I bet you sleep really well at night...
  6. yeah, right....
  7. And they will continue to win the elections by providing "hope" (and handouts) until our economy fails. Nsplayr--then what? ETA: Grabby beat me to it by about 5 seconds, and stated it much more eloquently than a crusty old retired herk driver...
  8. YGBSM? 6 shutdowns in your E/H career? I had that in a month at Pope in the 41st back in the mid-90s. Heck, I shutdown the same motor on the same plane 3 days in a row in 2004. You were lucky...
  9. Sorry, sarcasm detector was inop...
  10. You're kidding, right? Enlighten me...
  11. And which one of these is a positive for the E/H?
  12. Because no one who used your link was opening it for the first time...
  13. Nice, Zippy...go ahead and spread the "privileged use" re-creation around for more to see.
  14. Yep, it's all about you...
  15. Rest In Peace, Brother! Proud to have served with you...
  16. With a firehose as a straw...
  17. I can't speak to the civilian flying requirements, but a buddy of mine was diagnosed with "very mild" sleep apnea at the 17-year point. He spent 9 months DNIF, then 6 months waiting for a waiver. On the flip side, I was tagged with "moderate-severe" sleep apnea after complaining to the flight doc about poor quality sleep from back pain. The flight doc's direct quote--"Good thing your retirement's already approved..."
  18. https://www.theglobaledition.com/drone-pilot-ejects-from-office-chair/
  19. No conspiracy theory--just noticed the white "halo" across the top of some of their nuggets. The frau actually noticed it...
  20. Look closely--craniums appear to be photoshopped on... Spoo, Kuma, Huggy--what gives?
  21. You're kidding, right? A 5-hour shift over two days is bad? Not trying to bust your chops here, but there's a big discrepancy between your airframe and mine (what I flew--been retired for a few years) with regards to scheduling.
  22. RASH

    Gun Talk

    Darn the luck...just have to start over!
  23. Sounds like an O-6 that needs a new call sign...
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