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Karl Hungus

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Everything posted by Karl Hungus

  1. Why would a current tanker pilot apply to UPT? Did you even read his original post?
  2. Wait, I thought the computer was calibrated for each room? Could it be possible that some med tech could screw you out of a potential job as a pilot? No way! Bullshit. Pilots can and will get waivers. People applying to UPT, perhaps not.
  3. Why don't you just wait until you're out of AD and then transfer? That way you don't incur any ADSC. That assumes. wrongly of course, that either the Montgomery/ Post 9-11 GI Bills will still be worth something over the next ten years...
  4. He sat SOF that day and was scarred for life.
  5. Your functional, like your chain of command, cannot grant or deny your Palace Chase app. That's completely up to SAF/PC. They can only concur/non-concur. I know of several folks who have applied for PC, been non-concurred by their chain of command and functional, and approved by SAF/PC.
  6. And that's bullshit too. Yeah, let's give newly winged aviators even more non-mission related BS to worry about. Seriously, I don't at all understand why anyone would want to stay in this service. It's a fucking disaster.
  7. Honestly, you hit the jackpot. Send in your PC app and be happy you can beat the rest of us off this sinking ship. Congrats!
  8. Wow. You're the first UPT grad I've heard of that has gotten passed over for Captain. What a joke.
  9. Which is weird, since people should just use their GI Bill, given that there's zero chance it'll still be around for your kids in 15+ years.
  10. Pretty sure he could still get hired by the Army if he really wanted to.
  11. For those considering making AD a career, anyone who thinks that the AD retirement won't start disappearing is smoking crack. Hopefully it'll start slow, but it WILL be changing, and not for the better.
  12. zombie astronauts!
  13. I've heard of over two years waived if you're passed over for major. Less than that if you're not.
  14. But...but...but... he gave some great speeches at the academy! He sent a letter out to USAFE fighter pilots! He's really going to turn things around!
  15. Your recent history doesn't appear to be all that recent.
  16. As usual, AD could not be more different (worse) than the guard.
  17. This is great news. Seriously. And it needs to get to the squadrons ASAP. There are a lot of folks who are completely fed up with our bullshit admin workload at the squadron level. This is exactly the type of simple fix that can get someone on the fence to re-think their exit strategy.
  18. Yes, it's that fucked up. Has been for a few years and it's only getting worse. No, it's not going to get better.
  19. You shouldn't have ever mentioned them. Seriously. Flight "medicine" is NOT your friend.
  20. "I plan on staying Active Duty after my 10 years are up!"
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