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Karl Hungus

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Everything posted by Karl Hungus

  1. Ok, but is airdrop also part of the mission statement? I guess I don't get why airland only bases do low levels, yet don't do airdrop... and how useful low levels are in regards to airland vs. airdrop.
  2. More than an hour drive? Do you drive 35mph? I do the commute daily and it takes me 40-50 minutes depending on traffic. Driving from Cherry Hill or Mt. Laurel or whatever still takes 30 minutes, 15 extra minutes is easily worth it. To each their own... having a family changes everything, but I get a kick out of the single dudes/ chicks who live in Jersey and then complain about having to drive to Philly on the weekends.
  3. I'm not a C-17 guy, so I admit I know little about what you all do... but what's the point of practicing low levels at an airland only place? Is there that big of a demand for low level infiltration to land on a dirt strip and offload? Couldn't they roll that into the airdrop mission? Not bashing, just curious. As for the C-17 bases, you really can't go wrong at any (except Altus, of course). I think the people who bash on McGuire have some weird hatred for the northeast, don't like the weather, or don't like the base itself... and I'd bet a lot of those live on base (puke) or in dirty Jerz. If you're single and choose to live in suburbia over one of the biggest cities in the country, then I've got no sympathy for you. I can understand if you're married/ have kids I guess, and then the Jersey suburbia is basically the same as any other in the country with the exception of having a terribly designed road system. McGuire is one of the few AF places that allows you to live in a real city. The commute is well worth it, probably why tons of new people coming in are flocking to Philly. You can always do the suburb thing later in life.
  4. AMC/CC said at Q&A yesterday that they're moving forward with KC-10 cockpit upgrades and should start them next spring. Right. Said they have to since the -10 will be around til 2040. Right. Said don't expect any decrease in deployment/ TDY rates because they'd just have to fill the spots with -135s. SQ/CCs seem to be pushing for whole squadron deployments, we'll see.
  5. That HBO intro took me back... haven't seen that since I was probably 4. Some friends and I were talking about these the other day... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSG5ANAdIp4
  6. Just because Boeing submitted a proposal doesn't mean it's going to happen. There have been numerous iterations of these proposals, and none so far have worked out. So I'll believe the KC-10 gets glass when I see it.
  7. Makes me think of this. Yeah, I grew up in the 80s.
  8. "No glass cockpit... yet" should read "No glass cockpit... ever".
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tztl6ZEjrw4 Can't believe this one wasn't mentioned yet.
  10. Is it possible? Absolutely. Is it likely? Hell no. You're ROTC, so you're going to most likely attend ASBC a few weeks to a few months after graduation. Six months to a year after that, you'll start UPT, with IFS thrown in for good measure. You'll attend UPT in either Enid, OK, Columbus, MS, Wichita Falls, TX, or Del Rio, TX. Where do you think you'll go get another bachelors during that time? And where will you get the time to do so? Most casual bases will have you doing odd jobs that won't accommodate a drive to Austin/ Stoolwater/ etc to attend a bachelor's class. Once UPT starts, you'd be a moron to try to get a degree alongside training. You won't make it. After UPT, it depends. Numbers wise, you most likely won't get a T-38, and even if you do, you most likely won't get a fighter. If you get some sort of airframe that has a long wait for post-UPT training, you could probably get a second bachelors. Big if. Best bet is to start now, online or real life, with the realization you won't be done for another 4-5 years. I dunno. Considering you're not close to an engineering degree, let alone a math or physics degree, I'd say get whatever one is easiest/fastest and take your chances. No idea. No idea. Big picture: worry about graduating college. Then worry about passing IFS. Then worry about getting through UPT. If you're good enough, worry about which airframe you are awarded. Then worry about becoming the best pilot you can be in that airframe. If after all of that, you have time to worry about a second bachelors or a masters and TPS, go forward. But don't put the cart before the horse. And always remember... the answer will always be no if you don't try. Best of luck.
  11. People did it with their flight patches when they were done with T-6s or T-1s/ T-38s in UPT.
  12. Sounds like this could set the stage for other bases to follow. Not good.
  13. The speakers are pretty much chosen for the classes, unless someone happens to know a 3 star and gets them to request it.
  14. We tried that as well, and were told by lots of people that it was a WG/CC policy that assignment night must be at the club, you must buy a certain number of kegs, blah blah blah. When we had our end or course critique thing with the WG/CC, we brought up how much the club sucked and was a ripoff. He asked us why the hell we went to the club and didn't do it somewhere else then, vote with our wallets. He claimed he made no such bogus policy. Great to see people are making up WG/CC policies so their wives working at the club can get business.
  15. Go to whatever college you think will be the most fun and get a good education. Apply to OTS or a Guard/ Reserve unit about a year before graduation. Minimize the BS and still get the career you want. Feel sorry for your ROTC (to an extent) and Academy peers that you got to the same place they did without all that pain. It's worth the potential student loans.
  16. In addition to all the standard stuff, I'm a fan of the sweet tea vodkas, most any brand. Little bit of water on ice, scary good. And I hate real sweet tea. Also, something different I've been into recently is the espresso vodkas... takes caucasians (black russians I guess, not so white) up a notch. Caffeine's good for when you get sick of red bull and vodka.
  17. Did a search, this was the closest topic I could find and it didn't really answer my question, nor did the FAQs... Is COLA based on your physical address or your duty station? Example, duty station is McGuire, living in Philly. Philly gets COLA. I want COLA. Hoping it's not based off your duty station like BAH.... Along those lines, I'd like to keep my residency from a certain tax free state, and I actually do own property there (for the next couple months at least). Will keeping that state as my residency override getting COLA, even if I could get it?
  18. I was wondering the same thing.... I remember some discussion on being able to get a refund of that money, but haven't heard anything since.
  19. Thread revival A bunch of the info in this thread is 4 or so years old.... anybody with recent McGuire experience have any opinions on where to live? Have the property values decreased like the rest of the country, or is it still astronomical? Do most rent or buy? I'm single, and like the idea of living in downtown Philly and commuting out... but then again 45 mins each way is a bit painful, gas won't always be $2 a gallon, and the toll on the turnpike sucks. Will I be gone so much that getting something nice is pointless (KC-10)? Where do the guidos live, so I can avoid that area?
  20. XL 09-06 T-1s KC-10 McGuire KC-10 Travis C-17 McChord x2 (1 AD, 1 Reserve) C-17 Charleston x2 C-21 Ramstein KC-135 McConnell x2 KC-135 Pease (AD) KC-135 Fairchild (Guard) E-3 Tinker UAV x2 Creech T-38s NSA Cannon T-6 FAIP x2 UAV Creech F-15C
  21. Get a job, go to school, etc.
  22. XL 09-05 C-17 Charleston x3 C-17 McGuire C-17 McChord x2 C-17 Hickam KC-135 Scott (Active Duty) KC-135 Rickenbacker x2 (Guard babies) KC-135 McConnell E-8 Warner Robins NSA Cannon x2 T-6 FAIP Lots of first choices. And of course, no UAVs.
  23. Get into UPT. After you're done with T-6s, you can take yours home.
  24. That assumes people give a shit about the NFL. I could care less how people do in the pros... it's how they do in college that actually matters.
  25. Uh... did you even read the post you quoted? The C-17 drops have been cut dramatically. Not anyone can get a C-17 in FY09, unlike the tail end of FY08, where they handed them out like candy.
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