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Karl Hungus

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Everything posted by Karl Hungus

  1. What about the top 20% who are fleeing at their first opportunity? Are they "non-conformists" as well? I hope that's not really what you meant... having senior managers who value conformity is a troubling thought. As for promoting by AFSC... been saying that for years. At a minimum, rated and non-rated promotions should be separate through the O-5 level. FEFs part of promotion packages. AADs not just masked, but eliminated from tracking by any AF system until you pin on O-5. Officers ineligible for TA. Simple fixes that would get a lot of fence sitters to re-think their plans. This sounds a lot like the "have you thought about service before self?" line people get on their way out the door. Even the most promising CSAF in a generation hasn't been able to fix a lot of this service's problems... but sure, stay in and play the game and maybe you can change things in 10-15 years.
  2. They're managers, and piss-poor ones at that. Very little of what they do involves actual leadership. It's sad how toxic this organization has become.
  3. Can't wait to see how Liquid, Chang, et al try to spin this one. It's amazing how quickly you and your peers have driven this organization into the ground. For all the young folks out there who read these boards and are thinking about a job as an AF aviator (and there are a TON of them), take note. Active duty is an incredibly toxic organization right now. Plan accordingly.
  4. So WTF is taking him so long? It's not like this concern is new, people have been talking about this stupidity for the past decade.
  5. Completely agree, although I really think this will start to change when the younger generations (2003+ year groups) who've known nothing but Big Blue stupidity, endless deployments, 365s, UAVs, MC-12s, fraud/waste/abuse masters degrees, etc start hitting the end of their commitments. We will see. It's funny to me how cheap it is for the AF to do this. The $25k/year bonus is the same as circa 1999. To match for inflation, the bonus would have to be just under $35k/year in 2014 dollars to match the same purchasing power. Considering that the bonus comes out to around $18k/year after taxes, that's a damn good bargain the AF is getting for people to sign away control of their lives. That's not at all worth it in my opinion, but to each their own, and I can't blame the AF for taking advantage of people's risk aversion.
  6. Didn't we do this exact same thing a couple years ago? Being a GO in Global Strike sounds really appealing given that you'll inevitably be fired every few years. Easy, relatively cheap fix: put the missile control room things at Hickam, Homestead, Patrick, etc. Why do the missileers have to be co-located with the missiles? Make people do a shitty, boring, thankless job in a nice location they'd actually want to live at and suddenly, it's not so bad.
  7. Yawn. Nobody forced you to marry another .mil person. Single and mil-civ folks everywhere roll their eyes at shit like this.
  8. Been saying this for years. I don't fault anyone who wants to stay and get an AD pension. But I'd hope they realize that it is in no way guaranteed, and to plan accordingly.
  9. Hearing the same thing as well. It seems that the Air Staff is finally aware of the huge problem they have on their hands. Going to be an interesting few years.
  10. If washing out of UPT and getting sent to the shithole that is missiles didn't do it, what do you think will?
  11. LOL. There are a lot of people, including some with stars on their shoulders, who know all about her supposed "core values".
  12. For the last time... they aren't leaders. They're managers. No more, no less.
  13. Given that the CSAF "promised" us a "vector" in the "soon" timeframe as of late January 2013, and to this date has never released said promised vector, I wouldn't get your hopes up.
  14. The -135 fleet wasn't grounded after the horrific Manas crash. If that didn't ground the fleet, what would? Edit: this forum is still doing that stupid double-post thing.
  15. Been saying this for years. The writing has been on the wall folks. To those who wish to make Active Duty a career, good for you. Do it because you love to serve your country, you love the people you work with, because you love whatever it is you do that helps whatever oft-misguided mission we're trying to accomplish. Do it because you love the bullshit and you've never known anything other than the AF after four wasted years at USAFA. Do it because (despite inept AF management that labels itself as "leadership") it's actually pretty cool what this organization is capable of when it isn't doing its best to make shit harder than it has to be. Do it for whatever reason you wish. But don't do it for a promised pension and healthcare plan, because you're going to be very disappointed.
  16. Anyone thinking of writing a "do not retain me" letter to the various boards? Knew a handful of non-DUI/UIF/LOR/PFT Failure/Sexual Assault/insert-flavor-of-the-moment-here types who did so on the last clusterfuck in 2011. Seemed to work out well for them.
  17. Surprised the AIB didn't find a way to fault the crew.
  18. Does PIT teach how to speak English as part of the syllabus?
  19. Careful, Liquid will be around any minute now to give you a no-notice ground eval.
  20. Or, just get rid of that shithole altogether.
  21. Sounds like he ended up winning.
  22. What an awful place. Feel really sorry for the folks who fall for that trap.
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