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TreeA10 last won the day on March 13 2024

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  1. Believing anything published by the AP would be the same as taking the Babylon Bee seriously.
  2. I went round and round with a Korean ground FAC trying to talk me onto a target. He kept asking me to identify a Yankee in the road. I can't find anything remotely related to U.S. equipment. After numerous "Negative contact on the Yankee in the road", he comes back with "Yankee in road, you know, Y." So, important safety tip, if war breaks out in Korea, do not stand on a blidgee or a Y intersection.
  3. 10k fuel burn struck me as high. 787 fuel burn at lighter weights, 350k-400k lbs gross weight (don't quote me on this), is around 11k-12k-ish total.
  4. I think Nato's biggest accomplishment is the interruption of wars between the various NATO countries that occurred every 20-50 years going back centuries.
  5. IMHO, AA is more comfortable with small jets. If the geniuses at AA could figure out how to get an RJ across the Atlantic, they would do it. When the A-300 crashed in NY, we parked 34 wide body jets in a heart beat with no replacements on order. When COVID hit, 330s, 767s, and 757s were guillotined quickly with no replacements on order. We had a 350 sim up and running but decided not to get the 350. And then we have the added bonus of being late to the party getting wide body orders into Boeing. Out international route structure pales in comparison to United and Delta.
  6. I've wondered why the airlines haven't fixed the problem of weather induced hub debacles. Here's my fix: Offer ground personnel premium pay to fill short notice open positions just like pilots. Provide incentives for folks to go to work on their day off. I got ensnared in a winter cluster fuck at DFW and found out later A) the company had given folks time off because it was Christmas and B) around 40 gate agents had called in sick because they saw the day as the disaster it would become. The really funny part was my 2nd Grade school teaching wife predicted this debacle a week prior yet the airline business professionals missed it entirely.
  7. Dare I say...."crack pipe dream" or is that racist? Maybe MSNBC listened to that White House spokesman that told the CNN host that more people watch Sponge Bob than CNN. Marketing your content to appeal to the 50,000 most rabid racist anti-Trumpers can't be profitable in the long run.
  8. I think the current admin will exercise the right to return fire.
  9. "We" are not going to pay off this $37 trillion debt. Our children and probably their children will not pay off this debt. Generations unborn will be taxed to pay off this debt and I don't think history will be kind looking back at some of the crap we wanted but they will have to pay for.
  10. Sort of like this landing.
  11. I only flew the 737-800 for 5 years and thought "WTF were they thinking building a brand new 30 year old jet." My personality favorite was leaving the brackets on the overhead panel that held CSD temperature gages that weren't there.
  12. 1960s design and technology has upgrade limits. Too bad Boeing didn't do a clean sheet narrow body with design and tech features of the 78.
  13. I think Tulsi will start with whoever put her on the 'Quiet Skies" watch list that got her the full Monty colonoscopy everytime she flew anywhere.
  14. That could very well be the best description ever of the Max.
  15. I'm not sure how to respond to that other than suggest you seek counseling with a mental health professional because that way of thinking just ain't right. 757 with Rolls Royce engines can best be described as a dream date having long legs with big hooters. Good luck with the counseling and get well soon!
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