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Everything posted by TreeA10

  1. There was a RAND study published that said building three different models specifically for each service would have been cheaper. Too late for that, I guess.
  2. (Tapping the sarcasm detector...) Is this thing on?
  3. Today, there's some cadet, sitting in his academy dorm room decorated to look like his mothers basement who's only wish is to be a space geek. With his thick glasses perched on his pale nose, he is going to hammer out a letter on his Doritos stained keyboard to Captain Sandecker telling him that, as a cadet, he is ready to sit in and be a satellite jockey. He was a member of the rocket club, has his HAM radio license, and is well versed in all things Dungeons and Dragons. Captain Sandecker, reflecting on the reply from one each Mr. Toro, will answer this young, ambitious basement dweller that the Satellite Operations facility is no place for an amateur, radio operator or otherwise, hazards like hot coffee or tipping over vending machines abound. Discussions of Kirk vs Picard would probably not be understood by just a cadet. Staring at computer screens is for professionals so stop calling, texting, #leaveusthefuckalone. So, the dreams of a lowly cadet get crushed because of a prior Toro Fox 2 to the face (nice shot!) of an earlier wannabe.
  4. Named after her Aunt Mary Ann Burns?
  5. Not necessarily, if you have your bagged packed, uniform ready to go, and are sitting in the house, maybe no big deal. But if you have just drained the oil out of your car doing an oil change or are on the road knocking out miles running or cycling, you could be in a time crunch. A long drive on short call might limit your sphere of activities.
  6. By designing a fuselage compatible with all models, the B model was the big driver to fit the lift fan, gearbox, etc. into the jet. That compromise led to the larger compromise in aerodynamics hence the limitations on speed, turning, acceleration. It's a serious boat anchor that limited the A and C models.
  7. Did a summer rotation during Southern Watch at Al Jaber, Kuwait. We were the 2nd A-10 squadron to fly out of there so facilities sucked. Power was sketchy and would quit so no A/C on occasion. Food was marginal with MREs or rice with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sleeping quarters were tents or crappy trailers. EOD hadn't swept the whole place yet so you couldn't venture too far off the marked trails. There were some F-18s there and I forget off of which boat but after a couple weeks with us they were notified they had to fly back to the boat. I've never seen a more depressed bunch of aviators. When I asked why, they said the boat was worse than our current condition.
  8. https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/articles/ncis-identifies-hundreds-of-marines-from-facebook-group 1200 names. Firing squad? Guillotine?
  9. The fireball from the airburst is expanding rapidly: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/marines-nude-photo-scandal-expands-to-military-wide-explicit-message-board/
  10. Dang, $20+ for a movie? Screw that. I live southwest of Ft Worth in a small town and tickets are $5 before 5pm, $7 after.
  11. Must be a suds Zen master to be able to drink beer AND ski at the same time and not spill anything.
  12. Using the frag pattern of Tailhook and collateral damage generated as an example, I'd say this scenario has to possibility to get exceptionally ugly.
  13. I'm trying to envision single pilot ops on a snowy day with deicing operations in LGA taxing out in the conga line waiting for takeoff and needing to do a wing inspection as you hit the end of your holdover time for the anti-ice as ground is giving taxi instructions from hell stacking up jets all over the airfield. Wouldn't want to be in the middle of that but I'd pay money to listen in on the radio and watch. That would be some quality entertainment right there.
  14. There was a rumor that the FAA required the iPad to have a demonstrated ability to survive a rapid decompression at FL600. Sounds crazy enough to be true.
  15. No kidding. The FAA is just starting to allow WiFi to be used in front of the cockpit door due to safety concerns and folks think we're going to be doing single pilot or autonomous aircraft ops in the near future.
  16. I am a believer in never say never but I think there is a long, long way to go. I've been flying the 787 for just over a year now and it's a fairly advanced and sophisticated commercial jet. That being said, glitches are common. Some are just irritating like having to do multiple resets on the datalink to get it working prior to departing the gate. Others are significant like the FMS dumping the whole freaking route over the middle of the Pacific. This is highly entertaining when sleep deprived.
  17. Autonomous ops with pax? Sitting in an aluminum tube conveyor system with nobody onboard with your best interest in mind or skin in the game is going to be a hard sell. Also, weather, fuel load, and alternate practicality is divorced from reality on too many flight plans due to laziness and penny pinching. Somebody on scene needs to have the hammer and call bullshit to stupid ideas.
  18. With this dude pouring millions into keeping things stirred up to foment hate and discontent so he can profit off the pain and suffering, I don't think we are going to see the end of this for some time. https://www.city-journal.org/html/connoisseur-chaos-14954.html
  19. There is a Dave Ramsey course for High School kids. Our kids did it through home schooling. My 23 yr old already has 10K in a ROTH.
  20. With money left over in the Clinton Foundation and an unopposed run for a New York Congressional seat, there is a possibility of the virus Clinton 3.0.
  21. The problem is how many other programs were affected. Most effective would be a complete disk erasure and reload the OS but don't see that happening. Here's some of what might happen to start the restoration process: https://thehill.com/policy/finance/314991-trump-team-prepares-dramatic-cuts
  22. I think he has been giving us the middle finger for some time. Now, he's waving middle fingers on both hands yelling FU!!
  23. But what about training costs and currency requirements? Long haul flights have 3 or 4 pilots and how does that affect who is qualified and who is not to fly the trip. Smaller airports might have lower landing fees but I doubt they have the passenger traffic to generate the requirement for a wide body jet. And finally, the current generations of twin jets can fly half way around the world so instead of using a tanker to fly further, why not just go the other way around the planet?
  24. IP in Hawk, taught Academics for a time, Squadron Exec for the Student Squadron, and then T-38 Class Commander for 88-01. I worked for Terry for a short period of time before he went to the Flt/CC gig. A couple days after the flyby, a picture was published on the front page of the local paper. It had a band dude in the foreground and a very tight looking 4 ship in 15-20 degrees of a left hand bank that didn't look that high over the band dude. Details such as panels and markings were clearly visible. I watched the 4 ship come up initial after the flyby and thought the weather looked a tad marginal for the overhead but figured the picture was a function of photographic trickery with F-stop or editing. The "story" was they knew the weather (both ceiling and vis) was marginal but doable. Setting up on a south to north run-in, they departed the hold on time. After they started, the lead pilot (all were IPs with the Sq/CC in the pit of the lead jet) spotted a brightly lit area he thought was the stadium to the left of their track and made a correction. As they neared the lit area, he either saw tennis courts or picked up the stadium well right of course, don't remember which but he was suckered off course by the tennis courts. He initiates a very large correction to the right and is making a correction to the left when they went through the stadium. It was during this course correction with the less than distinct horizon that he descended. Yes, they almost hit the water tower on the north end of the stadium. So, shortly thereafter, some guy writes a fan letter to some higher HQ for "the best flyby ever" and all these HQ dudes show up to investigate. Everyone had "the cool flyby picture" under the glass on their desks and those were promptly removed. All involved pleaded quilty with remorse and nobody suffered careerwise.
  25. I was in 85-01 at Columbus and ended up as a T-38 FAIP. I heard those same rumors but I'm pretty sure it was fiction, just like the grease mark on the canopy. The highway in the rumor was I-55 which I'm pretty sure had been built long before. The craziest things that happened that got command folks worked up was a 5 ship low level since we didn't do any formation low level and a fly-by at Mississippi State Univ that went THROUGH the stadium. The former event got lots of folks in trouble, the latter was blamed on bad weather, dim lighting conditions, combined with a mea culpa so no careers canned.
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