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Everything posted by MSCguy

  1. Don't you lose a voluntary sep payment if you draw a guard/reserve pension later but can keep it if you get RIFFed? If that's the case no one who wants to keep playing in the ARC should be interested in VSP and draft up a "RIF me" letter instead.
  2. In the late 2000s timeframe much of the medical community was divorced from the MAJCOM level (with the major exception of the readiness mission) and given to a new FOA called AFMOA. It makes sense for support functions to be managed at a FOA level instead of MAJCOMs because medical is medical, finance is finance, etc-whether medical is at a tanker base or a space base the MTF still functions the same way.
  3. Got an email from the corps chief's office today (I'm a 41A)-force mgt webinar next Friday-so we can all get the news right before a long weekend.
  4. Does the force-shaping board for the 09-10-11 year groups have the ability to tell who is prior e? I'm curious because a prior e who is over six years in overall would get sep pay if force shaped out but a non prior would not. You'd think if the board could see prior e time they'd retain more prior es to avoid paying sep pay and force out the nonpriors who can be kicked out for free.
  5. The Army is probably still going by the old school idea that enlisted are high school grads and officers are supposed to be the college educated personnel. Maybe the AF should start pushing that mindset so airmen start learning their jobs instead of working on classes for their EPR bullets,
  6. You can get sep pay from a force shaping board, but only if you have prior E time that puts you over 6 yrs in.
  7. My Sq CC told me to go sign up for correspondence SOS the day I get my line number for O3-apparently in his mind getting it done before I pin on is strat worthy.
  8. Have to have 3 years commissioned service as of 31 Dec 2014 to meet a force shaping board. Younger than that can volunteer to get out but cannot be force shaped out...yet.
  9. What level are those quotas going to be enforced at? That's not unlike the way they do promotion recs for O4 and up, but I can't imagine that senior raters are going to enjoy doing the equivalent of a MLR on thousands of EPRs every single year. If it's left up to the squadrons the good old boy network will get stronger.
  10. That's assuming DFAS actually keeps up with your debt. I was kicked out of NROTC in 2005 3 months before graduation and owed four years of out of state tuition. I did some AF enlisted reserve time and finally came on AD and got commissioned this year. The navy said I had to call DFAS regarding liquidation of my debt because of my AF service, and today DFAS told me they have no records whatsoever of the scholarship money I owed them.
  11. From what I saw the ESERBs can retire 30% of the officers in each grade in each compcat. It sounded like enlisted time was going to be included in that calculation, so your capts/jr majs with a boatload of enlisted time could get shafted.
  12. If you go to the reserves/guard there is a way to purchase reserve tricare for something like 50 bucks a month if you're single and I want to say it's still under 100 a month for a family and you go back on tricare prime for free 6 months before and after a contingency deployment.
  13. Saw that non-rated OTS boards are canx for FY14, wonder how long until the force shaping boards start.
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