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ROCK 10 last won the day on November 8 2019

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  1. Thanks, wave & company - all great info. I’ll be calling VG this week to start an entry point - will advise. V/r,
  2. Thanks for the Vanguard CD info, I think I’ll wait another 3-4 mos. Take a look at their Federal Money Market rates - just over 4.5% last week VFMXX. Daily dividend, pays out every month. Been with them for many years, no complaints!
  3. 10 years, still can’t believe he’s gone… RH was my SERE evasion partner this week in ‘97. Such a great Bro, still miss you. RIP, my friend. 🙏🏻🫡
  4. LOL! KLRF PIQ classroom instructor, and Vietnam vet described the latter part of his career saying "I've been passed over more times than Toneyville"! I remember having to hold there in IMC for nearly an hour on my 1st Qual Check in the 90's. (no magenta line or autothrottles with the -E's back then, too funny)
  5. "It starts at a syllabus "conference" when someone says: "students don't learn anything new from that second T-6 MOA solo anyway." ^^^Wait, What??^^^ Damn!!, two of the best days in UPT for me were solo MOA double-turns on a Friday - once in the -37, and later in the -38. While at the desk dropping off my 'solo chit' at 11am for the 2nd -38 sortie, I distinctly remember the OPS-O saying "Hey, even I can't do that!" - then said, "Fly Safe, have fun!" Point is, me thinks that self reliance/confidence in the jet is learned in small increments - perhaps by flying solo! Flying time back in early '97 was 87 Tweets/105-ish Talons. 192 total, just sayin'.
  6. Ideal solution would be to pay the part-timers what they deserve - a full month's flight pay for maintaining qualification in the jet/mission - along with reasonable participation expectations. ROA used to fight for this back in the day, never came to fruition... If the ARC wants to keep more of it's experienced talent, I hope they reconsider!
  7. Few things validated our purpose in H-3's back in '06 (IMHO), more than being launched for a live AE ALPHA Alert - extremely rare. One hour from the call to wheels up headed to OAXX x 2 to hopefully make a difference. Was an incredible symphony of coordination and precision, all with the Top 3 there at the plane, watching our every move. Agree with the last two as well!
  8. Wow, thanks for posting. Vid was less than 2 min, but the AOPA Safety debrief/commentary was 30 min+. Well worth the time, IMHO. Was hosted by a Ret USAF O-6 and former T-Bird CC. ARC Bubbas are auth a GTP for watching, share with your folks. Fly Safe!
  9. Unsure, but the info above may be dated... The retirement "points value" for a retired O-5 has already gone up .03 cents per point since FY16 (worth an extra $150/mo for someone with 5000 ARC retirement points). I'd hate to see someone lose out on this by not staying in the IRR until 60 - assuming they have 20+ good years. Sorry for the de-rail..
  10. This got a few laughs in the squadron today.
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