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ARIs 'R' Us

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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. I'm probably late on this, but in addition to AmEx, I just got the Barclays Southwest Card with 50000 points as the bonus. Barclay was almost as easy as AmEx to waive all fees.
  2. Spoiler Alert
  3. Hast thou tried reinstalling thy app?
  4. Perfect. A good system, unlike most in finance!
  5. BAH is 2000 in year one. 2200 in year two. 2100 in year three. You get 2100, or 2200 in year three? Not sure how the grandfathering works if it's higher than where you started, but lower year to year...
  6. +14.2% at Travis...thanks to (rumor has it) the UEI.
  7. Only your basic pay is taxed, and if you're on base no BAH for you. I'd stop stressing...just see how much you get on the 1st/15th and go to the bar. Pro Tip: getting married prior to OTS = E-5 BAH during OTS and family separation. That's about $1K/mo...
  8. How you say, "2?"
  9. Had the Amex, and now I have the Citi Hilton card. I do pay $90/year for it but I get a free night every year at any Hilton property so that's a wash (used mine last year at Times Square, so I saved $400+). Citi doesn't have foreign transaction fees either. Having the Amex Platinum too, I have no need for two cards that are a PITA, like you said. Any advise on how to best use/transfer Amex Platinum points?
  10. The guys ahead of us planned on the Duchess but it broke for a day, and they flew the Piper. The evaluator focused the ground eval accordingly, and other than a few V speeds, didn't ask them Piper specific questions (other that it being slightly better performing and fuel injected, there isn't much difference). One of them asked for, and received, a .8 practice ride in the Piper. Both passed their checkrides day 2. Due to the break, we flew our practice flights and checkrides on the same day. No issues there either. Caveat: I'm a prior MEI and my partner was a MC-12 guy, we weren't too worried. The two ahead of us were Viper/35 dudes. They were stressed...but we all walked out with equal ATPs.
  11. I think my total at downtown was 1.7 practice and 1.5 checkride. I was nervous before I showed up, but not after day one. About 10 hours of prep sounds about right... $1630 for me plus a flight to KMEM and a hotel. Couldn't recommend those guys any more!
  12. Did you read the gouge they sent you? Read that and Google twin Comanche numbers and you'll do great (if you actually study). Not sure what you're going to do with all that money you're not spending on your ATP...I'd bet it on Red.
  13. Has anyone added a family member/add'l card to their AmEx Platinum? Free or not free?
  14. Just completed at Downtown Aviation. I thought it was the most enjoyable day of flying I've had in a while. If you have any small-ish twin time (I'm a prior MEI, buddy flew MC-12s) you absolutely don't need more than 1 practice flight, anywhere you go. More would be a waste of money, unless you have a dick for an examiner. If you've only flown fighters or airplanes that don't fly like airplanes (17s), you might want a couple rides. PM for any other thoughts, I couldn't imagine any other flight school offering a better deal. They have several slots left before the end of July, but are just about booked completely.
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