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Everything posted by Fud

  1. Ah, I wonder how many individuals $5.4M USD would have saved in the RIF...I know I know, colors of money and such, but I feel the same way about EOY money being spent on flat screen televisions and unwanted/unneeded office furniture.
  2. According to the Air Force Times, he said during the Article 15 proceeding that the accused was "Drunker than 10,000 Indians" and was said to be racially charged. I laughed when I read this, but in this day and age nobody can say anything.
  3. FIFY Also, we saw this in my last assignment on the IG team where we went back to what they did roughly 25 years ago.
  4. I called DFAS and I was told it will be on 2015s taxes but they took out the 28% before they gave it to me. The reason for this was because even though I separated at the very end of 2014, the money was not deposited into my account until 2015. Also, I did get all of it combined but only sold back a half day of leave.
  5. I separated on 31 December and had the VSP in my account on 5 Jan. I'm sure others were different but all pretty close to those dates.
  6. Agreed on all. The best example of the OODA loop I have ever seen was in Robert Corum's book "Boyd". All too often, we try to make this concept more complicated, and it loses it's meaning.
  7. BLUF: Talk to an accountant. This is an interesting question. From my understanding of IRS laws, you will probably not owe taxes on the separation pay due to your residency requirements. This would be a good question for an accountant though. I would wait to establish residency in California after you get paid. An example of this for me was when I was authorized to teach online classes on a satellite campus for a big university. Since the satellite campus was in a state that you had to pay taxes, I ended up having to give some of that money back. However, due to my residency in Texas, I did not have to pay taxes on my AD pay.
  8. Could whoever posted the CZ story about where he cried by getting a noogie please repost it?
  9. A few of my friends knew this guy and said the article was a little over-inflated as far as him leading a "violent gang". However, he sounds like a world class POS. Good riddance.
  10. I'm curious what the promotion rates to Major will be after they are released. I have plenty of friends who got DP's, but am curious if the rates will be the same or lower than years past.
  11. Just got off the phone with the Total Force Service Center, and then the DFAS call center. DFAS told me that it will be on the 2015 W-2. This jives with my research into the IRS W-2 guidelines. I tried to call the IRS, but their menu options did not allow me to talk to a representative. However, it should be on 2015's W-2.
  12. Received VSP payment this morning with taxes taken out. Also got two military IDs for TAMP (tan) and for three years of base privileges (green). Don't forget to change your address in DEERs for TAMP and then call Tricare to register for prime in your region for six months of health coverage. My family and I might use the continued benefits plan under Tricare unless better health insurance is out there. Good luck to all.
  13. Got my EOM, and expect VSP between 8-15 Jan.
  14. I've never like the nature of your comments, and how you word your posts. I don't know if you are trying to come off as condescending most of the time, but I'm trying not to read too much into it. The program didn't work as it was supposed to because complaints about lack of TAMP were the only thing that got us that benefit in the end. What about those who were denied TERA then given it back again only after the CSAF stepped in. Unbelievable buffoonery at multiple levels in this process occurred, and then the boss has to get involved. I have always respected Gen. Welsh. His integrity and ability to actually make a decision is fantastic and it shows he truly cares about his people. Sec. James is the same way and I applaud her efforts in how she is actively trying to improve the force. I don't know you personally, but it seems that you take Big Blue's side of the issue every single time. I know plenty of O's and E's like you and that was a large factor in why I chose to get out with this benefit. I hope you get more objective. Break Break wholeheartedly agree about personnel at MPF/CSS/Finance who actually know how to do their jobs. My last base was fortunate enough to have great supervisors in those roles, and they did a great job. If you separated at the end of Sep 2014, it will be on 2014's W-2. If you are separating at the end of Dec 2014, you should not get separation pay until 1 Jan 2015 at the earliest, which would put that amount as compensation on your 2015 W-2. This will be more beneficial for those who are still searching for employment, and allow them to have a few months with extra cash as security. 2, and see above as well.
  15. I will say this...I am incredibly thankful to Sec. James for approving this for all of us taking VSP. My new job is not going to provide these benefits, and I was going to have to come out of pocket almost immediately. I'm always pleased with her efforts and I think she truly cares about the people.
  16. I receive more accurate information from this site than any other medium in the Air Force. No offense to AFPC but they don't look too good by not running this program with a bit more transparency than is currently being done.
  17. So, I got this gem of an email (below) yesterday, but already knew I was eligible for TAMP. I called Tricare and asked them what I should do and they told me to call DEERs first. On my separation order (don't have DD214 yet because I separate 31 Dec 2014) you will read them your separation code. Mine was eligible for TAMP, and I was told to call Tricare 30 days out from my separation to enroll. Upon enrolling, you will have zero non-coverage time under Tricare Prime/Standard depending on where you live. Also, your new ID should give you two years of Base Exchange privileges and anything on base. Pretty great deal if you ask me. See email below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Response Via Email(myPers - Total Force Service Center) - 11/01/2014 08:43 AM As your application for separation was approved under the Air Force FY14/15 Voluntary Separation Program, we want to ensure you are aware of the following Air Force press release dated 31 October 2014. The Air Force is diligently working on the implications of this benefits adjustment. You will receive further detailed guidance as it becomes finalized and available. We appreciate your continued patience in this matter until this guidance is available. In the interim, you may contact the Total Force Service Center (TFSC) at 1-800-525-0102. AF authorizes medical benefits for some separatees WASHINGTON (AFNS) Air Force senior leaders announced adjustments to benefits for Airmen separated under the fiscal year 2014 Voluntary Separation Pay (VSP) program Oct. 31. Based on inconsistent issuance and confusion with transitional medical benefits for Airmen separating under the VSP program, the Air Force requested clarification from the Office of the Secretary of Defense General Counsel. A review of the law (10 USC 1175a) determined that the Air Force is authorized to pay the transition assistance management program (TAMP) benefits to Airmen separated under VSP. I understand this situation affects the livelihood of our Airmen which is why we aggressively sought clarification from the Department, said Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James. I am pleased to see our Airmen will receive the needed transitional benefits they deserve. TAMP provides Airmen with medical transition benefits for 180 days from an Airmans date of separation. In addition to the monetary incentive for those who elected the VSP option, permissive TDY, commissary, exchange and Morale Welfare and Recreation privileges are extended with an agreement to serve in the Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR). Specific instructions on implementation of the benefits will be provided to affected Airmen late next week.
  18. Chuck Yeager oversaw this GCM and had a lot to say about it in his book. Very interesting chapter about how this case played out. I believe Robin Olds was asked to be the head of the GCM as well, but declined to do it because it could have wrecked his career. Great article here: https://www.historynet.com/air-force-colonel-jacksel-jack-broughton-air-force-general-john-d-jack-lavelle-testing-the-rules-of-engagement-during-the-vietnam-war.htm Also, I don't think any leader would destroy evidence for their guys like he did. Not saying I agree with what he did but it was ballsy. Robin Olds also voided a GCM for a tanker pilot who saved one of his subordinate's lives in combat. Olds nominated the pilot for a Silver Star and nothing close to a court martial ever happened. Olds states in his autobiography that he would always take care of his men, but never lie for them. Interesting dichotomy between the two.
  19. I was approved and am asking the same questions. I'll post if I hear anything about extensions, as my boss wants to keep me around for a little while longer.
  20. It's all a conspiracy to kill Netflix. Kidding aside, it is not surprising that something so awesome as the net would have been fucked up by a beurocratic government.
  21. Surprised this hasn't been brought to light. https://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20140328/NEWS05/303280042/Commanders-fired-changes-coming-nuclear-missile-officers There was an article stating names of those fired (all men) while the WG/CV, a female, gets to stay. Just an interesting observation.
  22. This could fall under abuse of authority. I think the better option would be to say it is waste because it is a mis-use of your time and against official guidance. Reprisal and restriction are against the law and other than fraud, waste, and abuse, the IG will assist or turn over matters to the appropriate agency.
  23. The OG/CC at warren was the best commander I served under. I didn't know Venom but the fact that the AF needs these guys is the sole reason they seem to get fired.
  24. They said it wasn't related to malmstrom's investigations, but was it something similar?
  25. My guess is that his SOUIF was as large as a Bible. I imagine there are/were quite a few complaints against him of some nature, or his rater realized the Peter principle had been reached.
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