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Everything posted by Fud

  1. Damnt, I didn't see this wii accessory when I bought mine.
  2. When I was getting my masters degree, I wrote a paper about Southwest based on the book "nuts". Fantastic book and an even better company. Their business practices have always been pretty good and their customer service is great as well. When my grandfather died last year, an agent changed my ticket date and waived the fee to do so. It was great of her to do that. Try doing that with any other airline in the US today.
  3. 2 on TXU being a bad company and the apartment gig. I sublet apartments when I was in college, and the people I rented from tried to pin their previous damages on me. I almost always have a video camera on me with the time and date. I took footage before I ever moved in, showed it to the guy when accused of damaging his apartment, and he relented immediately. Moral of the story. Some people are shitheads and will do whatever they can to get a buck from someone else. TXU not excluded. Lastly, always check your cell phone and other bills for irregularities. Another "scam" was put on us when we used fandango one time. A pop up window came up on the screen where you enter your credit card number. She clicked to close it and proceeded with her transaction. We saw the movie and thought nothing of it. We started rigorously going through our bills a few months later and found a $10 transaction being withdrawn from a company with a weird name. We did a google search, finally found a phone number, and I demanded my money back. They gave us our money back and apologized for the "mistake". Free credit report did the same thing.
  4. You should not have paid a penny of the late fee or additional money to the collection agency (or whomever you paid "again"). Look up the column "ask a lawyer" on airforcetimes.com and look at the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act amendments. If you were on orders, the company can be fined. Also, I would report them to the better business bureau as well. I don't know if you will be able to get your money back, but never pay collection agencies. Deal with the company directly. The collection agency personnel are trained on how to use scare tactics to get you to pay them. I have even had the "we'll wreck your credit" one used on me, but I told them to piss off. Thanks for the heads up on this one.
  5. Fantastic book! I am reading "Brute" by Robert Coram and it is a fantastic read.
  6. 2...I think someone needs to revise the AFI at the NAF/MAJCOM level so the minimum AGL and whatever else are way lower, but still safe. I wonder if there will ever be a pred/reaper flyover though. Everyone would love it until the satellite feeds went out and half of a stadium was engulfed in flames.
  7. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Awards_and_decorations_of_the_United_States_military?wasRedirected=true Try that link to see if it helps. There are also some books on amazon you can order as well. I am in the same boat as you right now but found what my grandfather's ribbons were since they are still awarded. You can also scan them and ask VFW or American Legion folks what they are.
  8. Story time? I'd love to know who this winner is.
  9. "I didn't know they could do that" is my favorite quote in that video.
  10. Thanks a lot discus. I now have eye herpes
  11. Here is a what the drone sounded like right before it crashed. It was taken by an innocent bystander.
  12. A very big "2" on this statement. I was applying to both the Air Force and the Navy for flying spots. The Air Force has one board from active duty that meets every January. In the Navy, I was told there was a monthly board, and that right now, it is highly likely that I would get picked up. However, the USAF age limit for UPT is 30, while the Navy still has the age of 27. I am sure it is waiverable, but I'm not sure. It boils down to this one statement though. Wherever you go, bust your ass, don't get into too much trouble, and tell the right people what you want to do. Be humble and do your job very well. I wish you the best of luck.
  13. 2 Break Back to the topic at hand though. I'm curious why it took them so damn long to award this guy a medal. I understand the staffing process, and how long that takes at the wing level, but I'm sure this had to go much higher right? Or did the recipient just never really let anyone know since he was a humble dude (which the article said)?
  14. Toro, I figured that would be the answer. I am sure this will hurt their retirements(sarcasm)
  15. Question for everyone, and someone in the know. Is the 87M debacle directly the five GOs' faults, or is it simply because they were in command at the time? I find this story very interesting, and would love to read the report after all is said and done. I remember thinking the USAF was simply looking for a scapegoat during the Thunderbird debacle, but upon further reading, found that a lot was done wrong during the entire process.
  16. I was scheduled to go to the CWPC course a while back, and was not allowed to go by my unit, even though the course was required at the time. I would take every opportunity to go TDY unless you have a family emergency of some kind. The course will either be worthless, which you can help out with a course critique, or you might actually learn something.
  17. Apologies for my previous link...He will be receiving the award tomorrow at 2pm Eastern time.
  18. Here is a link to the video about what happened. He is getting the award today.
  19. I'd still hit it...but I woulnd't want Hepatitis...
  20. I actually had to take it down because my mom caught my dad looking at it one day. Quite funny, but I didn't realize it could be interpreted as being a gay comment...oh well.
  21. I hate hearing that UAVs are the AF's future. I know this seems to be the case because of funding, but the same argument could be applied to our philosophy on future wars back in the 1960s-1989. Before Desert Storm, everyone in the AF thought that the next war would not be conventional at all, and many weapon systems suffered because of it. Our nuclear platforms got all of the funding because of a mindset that is one-sided, and proved to be irrelevant in the future. I know UAVs are applicable to the current conflict, but what will happen if we neglect all of our experience in manned aircraft. I would hate to see that result, but as history always seems to repeat itself, I'm sure those results will be seen in the not-so-distant future.
  22. I'm sure it has been said already, but quite a few of the "shithead"-douchenozzles at this "church" are lawyers who just want to sue if their rights are violated. I'm sure Karma will come back to bite them at some point. Maybe we could ship them overseas to search for IEDs.
  23. I used to have this poster...I loved it and so did my dad.
  24. I did that for my former career field and it was a huge help for a while. The only problem is that the list tends to get outdated. My wish list would include sanitized OPR/PRF files for O-4/5/6 boards that were accepted, and what one would be up against. I also think that the younger studs in the CGO range need to be taught how to read their SURF and fill out an ADP, making sure duty titles match, and that appropriate dates are in there as well. Much easier said than done in my experience, as many people have never been taught how to fill one out, or that they need to talk to their commander afterward. That is how you get your desires across to your immediate supervisor and commander. Also, I think folks at all levels should review and learn how to accomplish rater/ratee feedback at the appropriate intervals. I have only had one feedback session that was initiated by my rater in my 5+ years in the AF. Emoticons for Gearpig: (It's a feedback progression)
  25. Maybe once DADT is repealed, we can do this song justice with baby oil, leather and everything else required.
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