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  1. I was just trying to find Hef's old AWACS toons last week. Needed some humor. Off to the CSAF event at Tinker. Maybe some hope for the 11R community.
  2. Two sources say that approvals are going out....but I haven't received one yet.
  3. Nope. Sorry. Post was unclear--did not receive an answer at the expected date/time.
  4. And just like that, expectations crushed.
  5. Considering my disapproval came in on a Wednesday at 2:36pm, I'm expecting the same today.
  6. Matrix is live. Still overages for my AFSC/YG. Makes no sense.
  7. FY15 VSP PSDM: This is not a “first-come/first-served” program. Applications will be processed for eligibility, but held for adjudication and approval until the application window closes. Let the goat-rope begin...
  8. Just got the same email; called TFSC back and they said that it was wrong....emails are still being processed. Can vouch for that as a guy here got approved at 1030 this morning. FUD.
  9. Maybe hope is still lurking out there. 18,700 more airmen cuts before it's over (FY15, FY16). Hidden behind AF Times paywall, here's the Army Times article: https://www.armytimes.com/article/20140519/CAREERS/305190027/AF-secretary-18-700-more-airmen-cuts-before-s-over
  10. Only a couple 11Rs approved on the forums/FB...at Robins, we had an 03 & 05 approved yesteday. The rest of us 06/07/08 guys are still waiting. The change of MC-12s to a 11R core threw off all guesses.
  11. I called TFSC. It's not for any VSP program. It's just for normal DOS-type enlisted separations. Allegedly, we will "probably" get notified by COB today or Tuesday at the latest. Who knows.
  12. @tunes What base? Any justification for the denial? I'm a 2006 11R and the suspense is killing me.
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