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Danger41 last won the day on July 26 2024

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  1. Amen. And not to be a prick, but why is he entitled to get moved to another job as a 3 star? It didn’t go well in charge of a MAJCOM, that’s it. Retirement time. Thanks for your service.
  2. I can think of many times when I would have much rather been killed than had to endure pain for a very long time. Recent trip to in-laws is a great example.
  3. Same story. Only Q-3 I saw was a bro in the B course during his EPE that managed to shut down both engines and crash. He’s now a Thunderbird lol.
  4. Show the ring picture of that one dudes filleted finger I saw in UPT and they’ll never wear a ring flying again (if you know, you know). It’s always interesting to see the different SEFE techniques. I’ve been evaluating for 10 years and never given anything other than a Q1, no downgrades. There have been downgradeable offenses, but the booze usually took care of those. However, easily the most effective is the debrief where I hammer the point home and leave an impression then move on. In this ring example with a Patch, I’d hit him with the whole “you are supposed to be the example of what right looks like to this squadron” then ask why you take the time with the straight lines, color coded markers, ALSA comm, etc when you can still get it done without being tight on those. Would you accept a young guy being late, not preparing his specific items, being late to step/check-in/sloppy admin? The Air Force spent millions on you, your squadron bros had to pick up your slack while you larp’d for 5.5 months, and now you think you’re special and don’t have to do the little things right? And I’d make sure to do that in front of the crew/flight and say this is where you demonstrate some humility, credibility, and approachability to the dudes you work for. Last thing is you tell him his remedial training is to brief the bros in the bar on Friday on this stuff and don’t let them slack. Then open the Buffalo Trace and learn something. My $0.02. Any Patch worth a shit will be massively impacted by that way more than form 8 comments. Not sharpshooting Skitzo, just my thought.
  5. The Mossad is ridiculously good at F2’ing these fools.
  6. IDGAF about him spending the rest of his life in jail versus executed. If he offered something up to get that deal, even better. Besides, getting killed is the easy way out. Enduring the rest of your life in prison as you slowly waste away is a better punishment, IMO.
  7. There’s a tension within squadrons against A3V because (to quote you) they should be “feared”. It’s like having a dad that beats you if you tell him you need help with your homework.
  8. Update to T-38 PIT…I just got orders to it next year (Track C) and it’s now showing 4.5 months and TDY. On that note…anyone got gouge for me? Will there be someone to reach out to? Where to live? Etc. Never taught at UPT and this will be my last assignment so I know nothing.
  9. @Biff_T Thought you may like this. Visiting my parents and found these from my dad’s Vietnam days.
  10. So not to be that guy but if you can track a CDI to a final approach course, you can do a LNAV/RNAV. If you can track a localizer and glideslope for an ILS, you can do a LPV. And the buttonology in whatever follow-on MWS is different than the T-6 or T-1. Therefore, I don’t really see the problem with not having RNAV approaches for the training value. My $0.02.
  11. I noted that he mentioned there were a large amount of interviews that showed similar answers. Also, didn’t one of the WSO’s not have his helmet and gloves on prior to ejection? I saw that being hammered on but wasn’t sure if I read it incorrectly.
  12. Damn, that statement of opinion was rough. Sounds like some heads will be rolling at Ellsworth soon. I especially liked the part where he illustrated that the MIP was overweight and that was why he got hurt in the ejection. Woof. After reading that report, this really makes me mad. They went and did a stand-off weapon sortie and I’m sure they did awesome. Then they went home and screwed up an ILS and wrecked an airplane. Even if you want to scoff all things non-tactical, that’s a W for the enemy because that asset is gone. Screwing up the monkey skills is bad enough but omitting several flight manual and v3 procedures for poor visibility is unsat. It’s also not uncommon in other communities. The cold weather correction one is interesting too. That one is confusing to alot of folks. It wouldn’t have made much of a difference on this (20 feet), but still interesting that 8 dudes didn’t think about it with -5°c. Im very interested to see the SIB on this one. Tons of good info for all levels and roles to get out of this one. Thank God the crew is okay and that the egress folks did their job well.
  13. I honestly get it. It’s the same concept as squadron Friday patches, color tee shirts, squadron ball caps, etc. People (myself included) love that shit. I genuinely don’t understand the aversion to allowing squadron pride. Current AFSOC CC turned off squadron Friday shirts when he was 1 SOW CC in the name of not trying to stand out in SOCOM. Not sure how Green Berets, PJ/CCT unique headgear, etc fit into that or if it’s just an anti “fighter culture” thing for flying units but it’s a bummer.
  14. Biden statement overnight. Most presidential I’ve seen him in years. MOV_9019.mov
  15. I wonder if they have just accepted defeat this cycle and don’t want to put Newsom or a different candidate that has a legitimate shot in 2028.
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