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Everything posted by funny_haha

  1. You should see the looks I get when as a SNCO I tell people this. We are to touchy feely and want to make every one seem important. The Chief about shit a brick when I told him that not everyone in the AF is a warrior. Just because you are necessary doesn’t make you important!
  2. We had a DV come through the other day. When he came in he yelled Aim High, I knew he was waiting for Fly, Fight, Win. Everyone just stood there looking at him. He said something to the effect that we must not have heard yet. When he left he yelled it again, I still could not bring myself to yell back at him.
  3. I have some real smart asses that work for me, one of them just walked in and says hay gotta story to you. He was at the CC chow hall and while he is putting a tuna sandwich together, some jackass MSgt says hay you got a reflective belt. My guy replies yep sure do, he still keeps making his sandwich. The MSgt tells him hay i need to see your belt before you can finish. My guy lifts his ABU top to show the belt and walks off, not 15 feet later some other clown yells hay where’s your reflective belt. Troop tells him I already showed it to someone else and I am not showing it again. Shoe had a butthurt look on his face when he walked away.
  4. The CC was trying his best to sell the new rules at our last CC call. He is a C-17 driver by trade, so he knows what we are saying.
  5. One of our guys has to go see the Squadron CC today because some shirt jumped his ass in the gym for having his shirt untucked while lifting weights. This is getting out of hand, I am glad I am leaving in 42 days.
  6. Thank God I only have 48 more days at this place!! I hope I never return
  7. Just got my 179 to this shithole. It wasnt bad when I was there in 03. I am not looking forward to this. And since I am an Aerial Porter I will have to put up with every shoe that works there.
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