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Everything posted by theat6bisasham

  1. Bomber guys got hit hard too at the FTU...something like 4 or 5 dudes didn't make it.
  2. Are we talking about the bomber base that houses AFGSC? I'm pretty sure we are. I'm pretty sure some dudes got screwed...big time. Something went wrong somewhere - there is no reason for qualified, normal dudes to get passed over to captain who were capable enough to graduate UNT.
  3. Apparently a bunch of dudes didn't get promoted at our FTU here. Insane, these kids just graduated pilot and navigator training, and are already in training in their MWS and big blue decides they don't get promoted, while shoe clerks who were planning the xmas party made it...it's the end of the USAF it seems.
  4. This is way in the weeds, but I hold a Type II (i.e. class 3 stuff) FFL and let me warn you from a very 'technical' standpoint. You can't SBR these imports legally without changing out some of the parts to regain 922r compliance. I.e. as a pistol these are legal with import parts, but once you SBR it, you must be in compliance with 922R which says you have to have a certain amount of US manufactured parts. Anyway, don't trust the gun show gurus and the goobers - it applies, and every 922r violating SBR is a 10 year jail sentence if you were ever to be unlucky enough to get in trouble about it..small chance, but obviously guys in the know stay away. I consider this as stupid as cutting your own lighting links for your AR-15s and going full auto in your backyard with the redneck neighbors. Good luck! I do want one of these though!
  5. Woah, hold on there. The IP's in the T-6 at pensacola & whiting for that matter train in-house at pensacola/whiting. They don't go through PIT at randolph. As for Instructor NAV's that are going to pensacola? I have no idea, but I do know the NAV's do not fly/land the planes for obvious reasons. They act as nav's in the right seat and/or instruct the student nav in the right seat, they are not 'copilots'.
  6. https://www.airforcetimes.com/prime/2012/09/PRIMEairforce-airman-complaint-indian-logos-welsh-roy-090712/ I love the way the article is written..took a new job and "noticed" american indian depictions....like you missed it before? And funny how AF times has TWO B-52 articles..one where they get more money and one where they get their b@lls cut off at the root...
  7. I think 'VFR on-top operations' are restricted in AETC..or at least I remember that being the case...
  8. Dude, if I was in the airdrop world, I would walk into scheduling and tell them don't bother putting me on the schedule for airdrops anymore, I don't want to go to jail. This is ######ed up - and will make every single dude questions every move they make. I'm serious, everyone should just let their currency die on that one... Next we'll get courtmartialed when providing danger close munitions because someone got hurt....yea DUH
  9. It always seemed that FTU was heavy types and RTU was pointy nose dudes....maybe it's from 'nam when all the shot down fighter dudes needed "replacements" from the school house....but then against more bomber dudes got swacked in ww2 so whatever..who knows!
  10. Dude, anyone "transfering" airframes these days is a super rare exception to the rule. Expect, plan and prepare to spend then next 1 to 19 years in the C-130 pending further force reductions and non-promote's to the next rank with resulting non-continuation. I.e. don't worry about what airplane your in...just be glad you have one at all. And what's with the "I definitely don't want to cross-train to UPT" - Are you sure you are in the ame USAF flying community as me? Has no one punched the idiot out of you yet? When the hell did we start "cross-training" to UPT anyway.....this isn't some flippen desk job where you just learn to sit at a different window and ignore a different set of "customers"..
  11. Anyone know what the ballpark amount is that gets deposited on the 25k bonus after taxes...assuming normal joe major with nothing extra, handful of kids...yea yea i know it's different taxes but in general - 20k? 18k? after taxes...
  12. The shoe clerk is strong in this one....I have no dog in the fight. Just passing on what is regular gouge here when we deploy. Move into a storage unit and you are getting in trouble they claim, so no one does it. I have no fricking clue if it's right or not because it doesn't matter to me :) Enjoy!
  13. Um...i'm pretty sure that is fraud...collecting BAH without a household at your previous assignment. Same as when dudes close up their apartments and move their crap into storage and still collect BAH while deployed. Pretty sure the reg says you have to maintain a household or some such nonsense. Anyway - might want to keep that on the DL from finance :)
  14. AMS robot email showed today at 9am CST. Agreement application completed and submitted by noon for me :) THANKS Big blue!
  15. Pile on - I had to give up my second citizenship to finalize my security clearance years ago after I commissioned. Had to sign a statement and make it offical even. But ...many countries, including germany, do not "recoginize" when a citizen "gives up" their citizenship...now the US does not allow you to serve in foreign militaries for the most part..but germany is pretty liberal about the whole thing.
  16. Damn good price, I can't find these for less than about $2900 on the 'net and without custom features like the wings/name...hmmmm
  17. What aeroclub? I thought they closed most of them....
  18. Much better article https://defensetech.org/2011/12/31/embraer-wins-usafs-light-attack-contest/ Also, it seems the training will take place in "Clovis, NM" seems appropriate...now where is the afpc robot when you need it..
  19. Really? I see 9 RIF volunteers and 7 MEO complaints....
  20. Lets see...flight doc being a dick and acting as if he's smarter than everyone? Check Me trying to be a bro and help a guy out? Check
  21. My expertise? Passing the test....but whatever
  22. When they place the prisim over your eye, anyone should be able to tell they put the prisim on, and in that case the answer is TWO LIGHTS, one red, one white. The prisim presents obvious distortion to your vision....but anyway - good luck with the medical waiver route!
  23. Friend - the answer you are looking for is "one pink light, sir". Not TWO lights, but one pinkish light. On people with problems, the two eye muscles will go off kilter and you will see TWO lights, namely a white and a red one. Normal people have good eye control and see one pinkish circle. But this is all academic....too bad you didn't see the one light and tell him that at the time.
  24. Is this the test where he asks you "how many do you see?" and you should be saying.."one" ?
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