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Everything posted by ExBoneOSO

  1. Another wild and wacky airline story..got to keep the skies safe from bread products now. (Though the bagel would have gone good with the UAL coffee.....) Global War on Bagels
  2. Those Israelis sure are getting tough - first a shark attack in Egypt, now this...really?? Vulture Spy
  3. Was that info SIB-only data? If it was, then the AF Times was way out of line printing privileged info (not that the AF Times isn't usually out of line...)
  4. Looks like she's on her way out... Linky Partial quote from the story:
  5. I guess there are cameras everywhere.. Flying Videos
  6. Just read this on AF.mil - hope he/she/they got out OK.. T-6 down at DLF
  7. What's wrong with this picture? From an AOL News story on the incident: At least "the system" worked and they got the bags off the Dulles flight, but how do they get there in the first place, if he was ticketed to go to ORD?
  8. And in the "it's a small world" category - would you believe the pilot of the Ted Stevens crash was the father-in-law of Maj Malone? Prayers to his daughter, and to all involved... https://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/12/us/12pilot.html?_r=1
  9. Courtesy of afblues.com....
  10. to the Elmo crew.. The Fairchild incidents were the first that came to mind - I had just left to go to Castle for upgrade school when the "Thunderhawk" crash happened..ironically enough the Bomb Squadron was having the monthly Flight Safety meeting (typical Friday fare for the time) when it happened. My nav was outside watching the show and was able to dive behind a dumpster just in time...and as BQZip said, no Czar 52 comparisions yet. Tragedies all...godspeed
  11. Sorry for the repost, but this incident makes this video all the more impressive...Him Him !
  12. I don't understand the "equal precedence" with rated badges...I'd be damned if I'd wear the comm badge above my nav wings.....
  13. He probably had the speedometer set on kilometers/hr instead of mph..that would explain the "94"..!
  14. All righty then...one more chance to sign up! Anyone..? Bueller..? I especially like the comment from Sean in Kansas. Linky
  15. Noted. I was trying to figure out what a combined dining in/out would be. Wouldn't that by definition just be a "dining-out"?
  16. Traditions are quickly disappearing in a sea of political correctness....
  17. That brought back memories of a 12 sec MITO that turned into an, oh, maybe a 7-second one, and seeing the 20mm of the guy in front THIS BIG in the EVS.
  18. UPDATE: Looks like EADS is thinking about pulling out (sts) of the A400.. https://industry.bnet.com/government/10004761/eads-threatens-to-end-a400m/?tag=fa.ind1
  19. You got that right..I figured Butters was just being funny, but it was a good excuse to post her picture.. Lloyd: Hit me! Just give it to me straight! I came a long way just to see you Mary. The least you can do is level with me. What are my chances? Mary: Not good. Lloyd: [Gulps] You mean, not good like one out of a hundred? Mary: I'd say more like... one out of a million. Lloyd: So you're telling me there's a chance. Yeah!
  20. Grammar training, too....
  21. Ask and you shall receive...
  22. Maybe something like this??
  23. Primary roll control is with the stab, with additional roll augmentation from spoilers on the wing..it's always an eye opener for the uninitiated to watch a flight control check on the ground, and see the stab go full up, full down, then split with one side up and one side down. Yep, the ground crew confirms stab position during preflight. Sadly, the RAIDER 21 incident at Andersen showed how important stab trim position is on the BUFF. https://usaf.aib.law.af.mil/B-52H_Andersen_21Jul08.pdf
  24. "2" on the OT testing..the EDW crowd does the Developmental Test (DT) stuff, making sure the system meets whatever performance specs are written by the contractor. Successful passing of DT testing doesn't necessarily mean the system meets the user requirements...in other words, it may look great, and "meets requirements", but it can't perform the mission. Example: back when the Bone first came out, the EW gear worked great on the test bench..didn't work worth a crap on the jet.
  25. Just as long as you realize that 69% of the ridicule is meant in more-or-less good humor, and learn from it, you'll do fine. It's the people who take it wayyyyyy too personally (as demonstrated many times here) that wreak havoc upon themselves.
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