Since I have multiple tours in the box as a Apache pilot and a FW pilot, allow me to answer. One is again cost. A brand new AH64D cost around $38 million. The operating cost is around $5000 with about 10 hours per flight hour. All that to go after a guy with a $500 dollar RPG. Next is speed. 140 kts vs 350 kts. Time to a TIC is vital. Also take into consideration how the battle space is ran today. While the Longbow is one of the best airframes for doing FAC(A) work, it has two flaws. One is it is operated by the Army. Two is altitude. We do work up to about 8000' but that is not really ideal. In Vietnam, we had a system where the Helios worked low while the fast mover worked high all while being directed by a FAC(A) working medium altitudes. We (Army and AF crews) have adapted and worked it out as best as we can, but there are still issue as probably several crews here can attest too. Where we are fighting today, we don't need a battlefield full of Apaches or any other kind of strikers, we need ISR and assets that can provide adequate support until the big guns can arrive. And that can give on scene coordination. And yes, we would love to fly a FW CAS aircraft. Key West prevents that. Just my opinion.