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Everything posted by OverTQ

  1. This was probably started by some "well meaning" supporter of national defense. Who's congressional district just happens to be in St Louis. I don't think the argument should be "can we" but "should we".
  2. Just admit it, most just "like" the bag. I am definitely in that category. But I will admit the two piece is mo better if you are deployed. Especially when it is hot. And you don't have to worry about dropping a sleeve in the blue water. edit for addition.
  3. That was kinda the point to look like ACUs. I hate them in the cockpit. The sleeves keep catching the throttles and everything else. By the way Air Warrior is ALSE system. The Army has authorized the below for wear in the cockpit. We never got the funds to get them for the unit, but if you have to wear armor and ALSE gear, it looks like it would work great.
  4. This is our new flight suit. Looks amazingly like what the ground guys wear. Minus the "You do not know the powers of the dark side" helmet. The wear out date for us is 1 SEP. SEQ_CIE_A2CU.pdf
  5. Completely agree.
  6. TF Hawk was planned because the FW (notice I didn't say AF) could not win the war by itself. It's disaster was in the planning and politics. Gunships work best in support of ground troops. Not by themselves. It is also not a good idea to strap a 230 gallon fuel tank to the outside of the aircraft that fly's in small arms range. As for the helicopter argument. There will be a day when they are not longer of use. But that ain't today
  7. If that was true, there would be no helicopters in combat. Also, since when did a threat mean we don't fly? Where does this zero risk come from? What happened to "spouting their flames from under" and all that. Anyway, no system no matter how good is a 100%. edited for spelling.
  8. Sharks with freaken laser beams.
  9. They have done limited testing on the idea, but no real plans.
  10. Military.com
  11. Since I have multiple tours in the box as a Apache pilot and a FW pilot, allow me to answer. One is again cost. A brand new AH64D cost around $38 million. The operating cost is around $5000 with about 10 hours per flight hour. All that to go after a guy with a $500 dollar RPG. Next is speed. 140 kts vs 350 kts. Time to a TIC is vital. Also take into consideration how the battle space is ran today. While the Longbow is one of the best airframes for doing FAC(A) work, it has two flaws. One is it is operated by the Army. Two is altitude. We do work up to about 8000' but that is not really ideal. In Vietnam, we had a system where the Helios worked low while the fast mover worked high all while being directed by a FAC(A) working medium altitudes. We (Army and AF crews) have adapted and worked it out as best as we can, but there are still issue as probably several crews here can attest too. Where we are fighting today, we don't need a battlefield full of Apaches or any other kind of strikers, we need ISR and assets that can provide adequate support until the big guns can arrive. And that can give on scene coordination. And yes, we would love to fly a FW CAS aircraft. Key West prevents that. Just my opinion.
  12. I am sure I will take a few rounds for this, and maybe deservedly so. But all this talk about just how far away the soldier should be from the target when he pushes the button is self serving. Those of you against UAV's must come to grips with the fact that you are just trying to protect the way of life you love. Not maintaining the nobility of war. Dropping a pair (even on a hot run) from mid level angels, at 600 kts is not close range. Yes, your risk is greater than a UAV operator. But when ranges are measured in klicks or miles vs meters, your argument loses validity. If you really want some closer quarter killing, you are in the wrong career field.
  13. By william matthews Published: 22 Jul 2009 15:02 It appears to me that the AF (and with all branches to a degree) has become such a high budget organization, that congress is using them for completely political purposes. Even if the leadership does come up with a good mix of aircraft that will fit the mission, congress is likely to do what it wants. A $350 million dollar aircraft employs a lot more voting constituents than a $3 million dollar EMB314. Maybe Ike should have said "Beware of the defense industrial complex and their paid for politicians".
  14. And if your are going to post something like that, engage for chirst sakes. The only thing we like almost as much as boobs is a good fight.
  15. Just to note, he is not from Texas.
  16. That is the flight environment in which many of us live all the time. Somebody has to get down and dirty to take those guys out.
  17. Buy 186 instead of 187 F-22 and you could buy a 100 EMB 314's.
  18. Ironic that it should surface this week. Maybe LM paid them do so.
  19. Our bags are out of reg this year. In the Army we now have to wear a "flight suit" that looks like the ACU's the ground guys wear. You can't even wear your wings on it normally because they are pin on (hence metal). There was a time they were making pilots (101st) wear face paint (yeah an oil based) when they flew. So it could always be worse. I will miss my jammies though. edit for grammer.
  20. When I went to the FAC(A) course at Coronado, the Navy saluting was a running joke. I noticed that they hardly ever saluted. The Marines said that they had put up chalk board that had the day’s running totals of how many seaman had walked past them without saluting.
  21. Dude, if you don’t toughen up, you will get eaten alive. Disengage, learn your lesson and reengage at a more opportune time. You are chumming the water and are completely take surprised when the sharks show up to take a bite out of your ass. If you really want to be a pilot one day, learn how to take a honest and critical view of yourself.
  22. Any hear what caused the crash?
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