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    Mtn Home

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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Checked ALSA, way too "joint" for this - not the standard "push active"... Kept passing it comm out yesterday and got nothing but deer in headlights back. Looks like I'm out a monster....
  2. Trying to settle a bet with a young guy. Anyone know where it's written(or used to be written) what the standard signal for push to have quick is? Checked 3-3, 11-205, 11-218, 11-2mds all to no avail. Caveat that I hate losing bets...
  3. Manchester?
  4. Whole thing is absolutely a goat rope. I am certainly not making excuses for the aircrew either - obviously the pilot in command is responsible for this flight... and where it ends up. The reason I asked that question earlier was because I had read an AP release stating that ATC had already been cleared. Im also familiar with the 7110.65 and was asking for an interpretation because it doesn't specify when the cleared to land & not in sight procedure comes into play. I imagine that would be more a -250 thing on the AF side, but this aint an Air Force base. That said, I admittedly have myself been misquoted in the media (slightly embarrassing) but I wanted to hear thoughts from the peanut gallery first. On a side note - seriously, no cheesy C-17 jokes yet?
  5. Where was tower on this? Im no expert but I would assume that unless weather was a factor tower would be looking to pick this up visually prior to landing... Any 7110.65 experts have any add'l words on when ATC is required/not required to be visual traffic when issuing a landing clearance? My only thought is that an aircraft landing 8 miles away would look the same as one landing on my runway... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Anyone hear anything else about this? Just did a search of the news and it looks like the dude is still missing... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. If anyone is interested in trying it I took the time to follow Hacker's steps for breaking in a new A-2 over the past couple of days. I was planning on ordering (had already filled out the order form when I 2x checked the forum) a new one from Pop's. I did exactly what he said to and it worked out beautifully. Used a front load washer on tap cold with no spin and let the jacket "wash" for about 2 hours. The most important step was definitely making sure it laid perfectly flat (I used some rolled up washcloth's to keep it from getting wrinkles in the chest) and wore it twice while the leather was still damp. It is now infinitely more comfortable than it was before and definitely looks much more broken in. There was absolutely no flaking, peeling, or discoloring of the leather. Im going to give the free issue another shot over the next couple of weeks but I can tell you that I am already much happier with this jacket!
  8. I'm here now. Out of our entire squadron not one person that I am aware of uses the Hajji net (we've been here 7 months). There is a "Morale Net" like mentioned earlier and its pretty hit or miss, though its convenient and in most camps and MWR buildings. Sometimes its fast enough to skype and other times you can't even check webmail. Check with the unit you're going to. Our ops building has a pretty quick wifi network for everyone (although its been down for 48 hours) and its the same set-up with our maintainers. Hope that helps - let me know if you have any more questions.
  9. Im sure many of ya'll have seen this one too - its along the same lines. I seriously cannot believe that people can still be so absolutely retarded... wtf?
  10. You know the no-shit rated guys out of UPT don't have to go to sere right? Personally I think it blows because when they get their follow-ons guess who gets to play class leader? You really don't think your job is dangerous? I scare the shit out of myself at least once a week... thats what makes it fun! And I thought I got laid at my HS reunion because I was just so dang good looking.
  11. Are you kidding me?? This is WAAAAYYY Better! Happy Hunting Toro
  12. I was officially number 10k earlier this evening... happy to keep that one in the baseops fam... Vive La Resistance!
  13. WTF is in the water up in Blacksburg?
  14. There was a time when your name sounded foreign on American soil too... If this turns out to me a not so random act, fine - hate on him - but lets not act like bigots Prayers for our bros in Texas
  15. As awful as it sounds - this kind of thing happens all too often. The only reason this is "news" is because it has to do with the U.S. Military. Don't get me wrong, I loved/hated the training I got up there and I think this is awful... I just dont like the fact that this specific case made headlines when so many other cases went completly uncovered (sts). I hope this one case doesn't cause too many ripples in the SERE community...
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