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Everything posted by Prozac

  1. Teachers are beginning to see increasing pressure to get back to work from policy makers on both sides of the aisle. The city of San Francisco today sued the teacher’s union there in an attempt to spur them back to classrooms. Teachers say they need more effective safety measures, from social distancing rules, to full up HVAC replacements. That’s all well and good, but they aren’t finding much sympathy from the general population, much of whom have been working with less than ideal COVID safety protocols in place for months. Police, fire, postal service, transportation workers, grocery workers, construction, military, and a plethora of other industries have been back to work with less than perfect safety measures in place. Time for teachers to join the real world, roll up their sleeves, and get back on the job. Our kids can’t afford to fall further behind. What’s more, In many, many ways, economic recovery is linked to a return to a regular school week.
  2. I envy you for the excellent food you must’ve had growing up! I will agree with you that there was no case for riots or violence on either side. Some people are just after anarchy. Hell, in Seattle we just had some of the same folks that were looting last summer out doing an anti Biden public destruction event. Fuck them. However, I absolutely believe there are structural issues with the way the black community interacts with the American system. Police brutality and policing in general is something that needs to be addressed, and it effects black people disproportionately. I fully support the peaceful protests that were unfortunately upstaged by deranged rioters. I do not support the conspiracy fueled election protests, peaceful or otherwise. Even if someone didn’t storm the Capitol, if they’re waiving the Q flag, I have no time for them.
  3. Never really understood the “we need to elect someone who’ll burn the system down” sentiment that got Trump elected and seems to be driving the Republican Party into oblivion. By all accounts we live in the best time it’s ever been to be a human being. War, disease (even considering the current situation), famine, and poverty are at their lowest points in human history. We each literally have access to most of the data ever collected in the world in the palm of our hands. More of the world is experiencing freedom than ever before. Overall, our lives have been getting progressively better. But somehow the system is suddenly broken beyond fixing? Armed insurrection is the only way forward? Treasonous, conspiracy driven politicians like Trump and Taylor Greene are somehow on the same plane as “traditional” players like Biden, Obama, or Bush? Sorry, no. I’ll give you that politics is often messy and sometimes dirty. That doesn’t mean it’s not working. Enjoy a nice vacation in the last five years? Own a home? Kids get to go to school every day? Fire department shows up when there’s a fire? The insurrectionist wing of the Republican Party wants to throw all that out with the bath water. Sorry, but I’ll take “traditional” politics, flawed as it is, every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
  4. My dad who is 71 and has some underlying health issues was able to make a vaccination appointment just to have it cancelled a couple days later due to lack of availability. This was in the Seattle area. Rollout and distribution have been pretty piss poor it seems.
  5. Perhaps. But Trump did as much or more than any Democrat or pundit to sow distrust in his own executive branch and its institutions. I think we will look back at four years of Trump as entirely self defeating for the Republican Party. Both parties should now concentrate on effective governance and restoration of people’s faith in the democratic process.
  6. A functional society requires some level of trust and buy in from its citizenry. Public trust in the United States has been on the downswing for some time now. Some of the reasons for this are valid. Some aren’t. However, a growing faction on the Right has been actively sowing distrust in recent years because it has meant political gain for them. They have been frighteningly successful. Problem is, it’s far easier to break down trust than it is to build it. Any governing body, regardless of which party is in power, depends on public trust in order to do its job. We are reaching a point where that trust is no longer there and it doesn’t bode well for Democrats OR Republicans.
  7. https://landing.coolermaster.com/kfconsole/ So my 13 year old son showed me this today. The KFC gaming console with a built in “chicken chamber” to keep your greasy fast food warm. Please, please someone explain to me that this is a joke. If not, I fear we are truly fucked as a species.
  8. As impressive as these videos are, I find these robots truly creepy. I say kill them with fire.
  9. The republic has hit rock bottom because you have to live under a (gasp) democratic administration for the next four years? Yep, you’re right. It’s definitely the end of the United States as we know it. Better get out while you can.....dude.
  10. Really dude? I hear a lot of people with sentiment like this lately. If you think China has surpassed us in anything, or that we are a corrupt as Brazil or as frozen by bureaucracy as India, you’ve obviously never travelled. Is China a potential threat to be taken seriously? Absolutely. But they still have a hard time landing airplanes with less than 15 miles of spacing in Shanghai. They need the Germans to engineer their civil projects and the Russians to build anything approaching a reliable jet engine. And while the CCP has largely consolidated power lately, there are growing cracks in their political system as newly wealthy citizens begin to question stagnant growth and a questionable monetary policy. There’s a reason anyone with money in China is snapping up real estate in North America. So, no, China is nowhere close to being the leader of the world order. Stop with the “let’s just throw in the towel now” attitude. You sound like a shill for the CCP.
  11. Fuckin’ zipper suit sun god pilots! 😜🍻
  12. Wish we had audio of it becoming unstuck. I feel like there would be a great BQZip’s mom joke in there somewhere.
  13. For all the folks complaining that Trump has been muzzled, ya know, there’s a way for him to get his message out: When’s the last time this podium was used? Seemed to work fine for every president preceding Trump. Sorry, but I always thought Twitter was an inappropriate place for presidential messaging anyway. Let’s see the man show his face and explain himself.
  14. He was in Washington State as well in the 80s. I remember his commercials well. When I was a kid, my dad actually bought a car from one of his dealerships. Cal actually happened to be on the property at the time and stopped by to shake hands after the deal was done. I remember being disappointed that he wasn’t nearly as animated in real life as he was in his commercials.
  15. So your fellow Americans are your enemy? Because they espouse a different viewpoint? Isn’t this this the same position that you criticize radical leftists for taking? Is the answer to the radical left an even more radical tack from the right? That seems to be the position of a lot of my countrymen at the moment and it’s what concerns me most for the future of our republic.
  16. Correct me if I’m mistaken but it sounds to me like you are arguing that conservative America should complete its isolation from the rest of our society by sealing themselves into an alternate world that ensures they never have to consider opposing views again. Is that right? Sounds like the most extreme argument for “alternate reality” yet. GLWT.
  17. It’s a pretty well known fact that sites like Parler and BitChute have become repositories for people and groups that have been kicked off more mainstream social media. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/11/right-wing-social-media-finalizes-its-divorce-reality/617177/ From the article: “A different type of influencer, however, was active on Parler: accounts that had been kicked off mainstream social communities because of assorted forms of bad behavior and terms-of-service violations. These included Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, and leading QAnon acolytes.”
  18. It’s one thing to use something like Twitter to spout your agenda, bullshit ridden as it may be. It’s quite another to use it to incite riots, violence, and insurrection. From a business/market standpoint, I can absolutely understand why Twitter wants nothing to do with it. From a free speech standpoint, what the president did was literally analogous to yelling “fire” in a crowded theater. Sorry. He doesn’t get a pass on either count.
  19. Go spend some time down there. Then come back and tell me we’re the same. No contest brother.
  20. I find this guy’s backpedaling laughable. He just found the flexcuffs on the floor and was looking for a cop to give them to? He assumed he was “welcome into the capitol building” as the mob was storming it? He is just now realizing that his actions will have consequences and is trying to hold onto his job and his retirement. I feel bad for his family. He is 53 with a wife and three kids. Wonder how they feel about dad’s “patriotic” actions? He knew there would be consequences for an action like this (or at least he should have). I hope it was worth it for him.
  21. This sounds defeatist to me. Sure we have problems. We always have. But we are not an oligarchy like Russia. We are not corrupt like Brazil. We still have a system of government that stands head and shoulders above most of the rest of the world. Don’t like where things are going in Washington? Disillusioned with D AND R candidates? You have more power than just your vote. You’d be surprised the amount of change that can be accomplished on a local, grassroots level. In fact, local government has been something of a shining light in recent years. You’re not alone in becoming disillusioned with the process in Washington. But in this country, the government still derives its legitimacy from the people. We absolutely should strive to continually improve the system, but it starts with us at a grassroots level.
  22. If you want to make something far more difficult than it has to be, put a Brit or an Aussie in charge!
  23. Internet is certainly no saving grace. Quite the opposite. People growing up with an innate ability to sniff out the bullshit is what we need.
  24. This is a fair point. I think it’s a huge problem that most media outlets these days feel they must represent one side or the other. To Homestar’s point, the fact that Fox and conservative talk radio have stepped in to fill the perceived void of conservative editorial voices has only made things worse. Of course, we get the media we deserve and who can blame Time Warner or Rupert Murdock when ratings ($$$) are so good? On a more optimistic note, it seems like the 50 plus crowd, who were conditioned to trust news anchors, seem to be the most susceptible to wholly swallowing (sts) overtly biased information. The younger crowd seems to be a bit more savvy in how they consume information, which is good, because that’s about the only thing that will break the cycle of echo chamber media.
  25. Kaputt, you’re right. I misread your point. While I do disagree with some of the individual points you made, I largely agree with your overall sentiment as pointed out above. Here’s to all of us learning, growing, and becoming stronger from what we are currently experiencing regardless of political slant. 🍺🍺🍺
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