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Everything posted by gearhog

  1. Yea, same here. There's a thousand different ways to fly the plane and I'm not so set in my ways that I can't adapt. You want me to do your technique? Fine. I was told just last week to never use LVL CHG in a descent. Always use VERT SPD because LVL CHG is a violent maneuver for the FAs in the back. Never heard that before. Also, set zeros in every MCP window before leaving the aircraft because... well just because.
  2. I really want you two guys to fly together so I can be on the jumpseat with a bag of popcorn.
  3. An ancient form of written communication before wireless digital connectivity. Some of the old folks still print words on the same type of material they wipe their ass with. Weird.
  4. I was taught to always "bug up" at a previous airline to expedite a turn to any vector you may be given. Engaging HDG SEL without the bug centered was a crime, especially if the aircraft began a slight turn in the opposite direction while you twist in the correct heading. We now have course, not hdg, at the top of our map mode display. When given "turn 15 degrees left for spacing", I find it easier to go directly to the MCP, subtract 15, and twist/bang before the Capt can finish the radio call if the bug is centered. My last trip, Capt would reach up center the bug on my leg, so I began to set in the next LNAV course drift killed HDG well before the turn point. When he reached up to change it, I'd say "That's the next heading" and twist it back. That created an incredible amount of tension (and personal entertainment).
  5. the entire AETC wing? you either have a delusional/overzealous wing king or some serious shit is coming down the pike.
  6. By using the term "Warrior Monk" ironically, I think it can be concluded that your post constitutes berating with the intent of belittling or humiliating through the use of an electronic device and social media. An investigation shall commence within 5 days. Expect prevention and response reeducation for your entire unit following shortly thereafter.
  7. Did Trump urinate on that bed? I just want to understand this: every time Obama's bed is micturated upon in the fair city of Moscow, Trump is expected to recompensate?
  8. i don't buy the peeing on hookers thing, either. ever try to piss with a boner? damn near impossible. whoever wrote that knows nothing about hookers or boners.
  9. sorry, brother.
  10. this guy "found" the SD card with the video on it. https://www.facebook.com/james.older.5
  11. i just want someone to come out and say what they mean: we cannot defend against russian propaganda and influence directed at the voting public. voting machines cannot be trusted and even if they could, we cant trust the public to make selections that haven't been corrupted. if we don't get more control over vote (the people and the machines) we're basically handing our election process to the Russians and we get trump ...unless we do more to disassociate the electoral college from the popular vote and remove faithless elector rules.
  12. yes, but it takes a bit of effort. first, you use a bid sorting program so sort your bid from most days off to least. unfortunately, after you recieve your bid line assignment, there isn't a way to straight drop a trip into open time. say you receive 4 three-day trips. you first post your undesired trip in the trip-trade/giveaway (TT/GA) section of the scheduling board website (crew web access). if someone wants it, they will pick it up and it will disappear from your schedule. if it's somewhat undesirable, you may be able to trade with someone who wants to slide a day left or right, am flying for pm flying, a 1 day or 2 two day for your 3 day. there's plenty of guys out there looking to fly more. If for some reason that doesn't work out, there's electronic line improvement trip trade (ELITT). scheduling dumps all the unassigned trips into a pot. if you're quick on the draw at noon on the day ELITT opens (I think it's around the 25th), you can swap your trip for one that is more desirable (or easier to give away in TT/GA). by the end of the day, most people have been able to trade away their lesser trips. decent trips are still available throughout the month, but they're usually weekends, early departures, or late arrivals. advertising your trip for giveaway works well on the union msg board and facebook. all that being said, going to work is my way to relax, unwind. it's engaging, but not stressful. i normally end up flying my line and not bothering with the above. if I need some specific/extra days off, i have always been able to get them. days off are always a phone call away if you are feeling sick or fatigued, but the pay is good and difficult to give up.
  13. i'm watching a live youtube feed of a mannequin in a space suit sitting in a convertible slowly rotating in space with the earth in the background. interesting times indeed.
  14. i wonder what country provided that manpad.
  15. here's the best way to arrive at a decision: - ask your boss for some additional work, 12 hour days, a sketchy network connection, and a pay cut. - schedule eight flying lessons in one month (middle of the day or middle of the night is fine) - randomly cancel one for a meeting, cancel two for maintenance, one for weather, then cancel three more because your last one is an unexpected two week cross-country (TDY) during your daughter's birthday to a motel 6 (DoD lodging). rental cars are not authorized. - use your free time to think about all the additional work piling up while jogging in a circle around the motel or by reading Clauswitz and Boyd. - during the flight home, as you swoop and soar on laughter silvered wings, reflect upon the majesty of flight as you log 3 more multi-engine jet PIC hours for that Delta job that's only 12 short years away. - land and retrieve your non-vol deployment letter to the desert in your office mailbox and retrieve the divorce papers from your home mailbox. - drink heavily. if you can do all that and feel good about it, you'll know the path is right for you.
  16. there is a fing car in space going to mars. two boosters have landed simultaneously. Elon Musk is a very stable genius.
  17. ah, thought he was saying the delta experience was similar to mpf. getting anything done while dealing with “atlantitude” is a painful process, be it with delta or anywhere else.
  18. i may be wrong, but I bet the first case has more to do with atlanta and less about delta. the second is definitely southwest.
  19. i don’t think those places are the issue. it’s all the outposts and unacknowledged locations in the middle of sudan, syria, and elsewhere that are lit up
  20. best sotu ever.
  21. want to get in shape during your next deployment? this app lets you find popular routes at nearly every deployed us military location as well as other places. dont forget your fitbit/apple watch! https://labs.strava.com/heatmap/#13.92/51.31611/25.12240/hot/all https://labs.strava.com/heatmap/#14.97/36.99188/35.04879/hot/all https://labs.strava.com/heatmap/#15.63/38.92630/36.26115/hot/all https://labs.strava.com/heatmap/#14.41/-103.33138/34.39362/hot/all
  22. no problem, you appeared to be contradicting yourself but i didn't have the full story. i've done some temp AGR lately, and i still can't imagine, assuming you have a job at one of the big 6 airlines, that any AGR would yield a higher amount of benefits/pay/quality of life, especially if the med requirements are more strict. good luck in your decision.
  23. this guy needs to be drafted.
  24. on friday you couldn't decide whether to medically retire for a hip replacement, two days later you're applying for an flying AGR position? okay.
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