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gearhog last won the day on January 28

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  1. According to this article, It appears there was a Capt, a CWO, and a SSgt on board. Honest question: Is it common in the Army for a Chief Warrant Officer to be the Instructor/Evaluator and have the A-code with a Captain in the seat?
  2. "The Best Money We Ever Spent" Always was a scam. I will never be convinced otherwise.
  3. Capt. Rebecca Lobach 450hr PIC?
  4. ATC audio adds a lot of context.
  5. Looks like a midair over DC a few minutes ago.
  6. White House Press Briefing today: All of the drones were either permitted by the FAA for research purposes and other reasons or were hobbyists. They were not an enemy.
  7. Boom Supersonic XB-1 is about to make it's first supersonic flight live on Youtube:
  8. So the CEO of Neurovigil has bad things to say about the CEO of his longtime chief competitor, Neuralink. Duly Noted, and Disregarded.
  9. I'd say the probability of our new SECDEF making decisions that in the best interests of America and our young people serving in the military is higher than the historical average.
  10. 4:03: What a moron. Poor guy is luck he didn't dei.
  11. I don't think any of them have closely held personal beliefs. It's akin to the flawed promotion mechanism we've all complained about in which "Yes" men will say or do anything they believe will advance their career. "My boss's values are my values." These same people would have advocated for segregation if it they thought it would please those who have the power to decide their future.
  12. The hits keep on comin'. 😁
  13. Do you suppose it could be a previous member who recently announced they were leaving the forum in a hissyfit over a post about Elon Musk, had a history of posts criticizing Musk, and accusing the right of being Nazis? Hmmm.... Let's see: https://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/search/?&q=Musk&quick=1&author=Negatory&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy https://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/search/?&q=Nazi&quick=1&author=Negatory&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy I guess It could be just coincidence, and not someone who created an alt account and went straight to a political thread and picked up where they left off. yeahright. @Negatory My question for you still stands:
  14. LOL that didn’t last long.
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