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Everything posted by slc

  1. anyone have any suggestions for a road trip, ie good conditions, and not too long of a travel distance
  2. WOW that is exactly (and i mean EXACTLY) what my Herc unit endures ea. mo. I would only add lunch fr. 1100-1300 or 1330. well written.
  3. You are correct. This is the gamble you take, however, and a little brow-beating to billeting should work to get that non-a backdated.
  4. Good debate folks. I've wanted to bring this topic up for several years now (just forgot) and find out if I am experiencing the same issues as other crews. I am also in agreement as far as exercising prudence to in order to save the taxpayer's dime. This is especially true when I see two separate lodging bills at a location, one for $33 (billeting) and one for $149 (downtown Marriott). HOWEVER, and this is where I step back into "reality". I have been on way too many trips and way too many bases where the lack of crew support is growing more prevalent every year (especially true on weekends). (On a side note, ever notice the plethora of "useless" airmen over at the deid ie passing out beer cards, gym towels, etc.) Maybe Big Blue needs to "reallocate" some of these resources stateside. I would have no problem staying on base at billeting (some of the new billeting is excellent), however, when you can't obtain a UDI or crew trans is understaffed (and can't take you to get some grub)i.e. one driver for the weekend shift (do these people think the AF doesn't fly on weekends!!! hell that's when we ,the guard/reserve, make our money) then you are stuck eating out of the shoppette (or Class VI if that's your pleasure). Reality check, the primary mission (which appears to have been lost), is flying planes, moving cargo, and putting bombs on target. Support for this mission should be primary (hint: now it is not) The above rant is why I exercise the 24hr. rule. At least I know my crew will be able to eat a good breakfast (usually free hint: embassy suites, hampton, holiday inn), have a good dinner, and relax with a beer at a local pub after a 16 hr. day. I am just one pea in the pod using (or abusing!?) this frivolous rule. However when you look at Nancy Pelosi flying everywhere in her taxpayer funded jet, or the thousands of airman "abusing" the combat zone tax exclusion policy at the deid (again for passing out beer cards, gym towels), well you get the point. And if you don't, feel free to hop on a trip with me hauling cargo sometime. I'll be more than happy to open your eyes. End rant
  5. Exactly what i was looking for i.e. something in print for the REMFS thanks a bunch
  6. for all you heavy guys, anyone know where this is written or is it just "unofficial" I can't seem to find the "reg" anywhere. (This is the "as long as crew is only staying one night, they don't have to obtain Non-A's" policy. Thanks
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