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Everything posted by slc

  1. Yep, LCADS-LV would've been adequate for that shithole
  2. I've heard of being able to blacklist at SW, but haven't heard of a "way" to do this at UAL??
  3. This.....as someone who recently flew into/around/and over I can vouch for that statement.
  4. Vote Democrat.....
  5. slc


    Just switched from Geico TO USAA for car insurance only...........Geico was several hundred dollars more per year than USAA. Also, just signed on for home insurance after dumping Grange (again several hundred saved). Interesting
  6. Omg....blast from the past. Ole' 777.....don't forget to check six!!
  7. Reminds me of the Walle movie.... classic
  8. I thought BLACKFACE was considered "offensive" and should not be used in normal diatribe.....oh wait oops
  9. Ahh, the Belgium Club ETAR on Thursday nights......the memories
  10. All in the name of "diversity and inclusion"
  11. You can have her.... I prefer blondes. On second thought......
  12. The gift that keeps on giving....
  13. Wonder if he would've had a chance given a little "tactical combat casualty care" at the scene. Guess we'll never know.....
  14. "destruction of the military and governmental capability" sure sounds like the "elimination" of the Gaza Strip as a "sovereign" state.....going to get interesting
  15. Curious that alcohol didn't make the list.....surely not a contributing risk factor
  16. I'm skeptical. I see an inordinate number of kids these days answering this question: "what do you want to be when you grow up" "a Youtuber" Sad how in my generation the response would have been "an astronaut, doctor, fighter pilot, an army man" Indicative of anything? The hell if I know, but an indicator of the kind of kids we're raising? Hmmm
  17. Ah so the Abbey Gate IED pushed the timeline up. Got it
  18. Thought the "pull out" date was set (by Biden) to 11 Sept (to conveniently coincide w/ the 20th anniversary). Last C17 to depart was 31 Aug??
  19. Attention to detail gentlemen
  20. Yeah, damn that pretzel looks good
  21. Excellent info, thanks for posting. Was the "advanced" test done at Wright Pat? Did you ever have your baseline reset before reaching H3? Solid info on the VA disability tip (Tinnitus vs. hearing loss claim)
  22. Thanks, that's what I needed to hear
  23. Hmm, that just might work
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