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Everything posted by 08Dawg

  1. Fuck you…that’s their daughter. Have some decency.
  2. That’s fucking stupid…absolutely the family gets a say.
  3. Maybe because she’s a female pilot and with the appalling DEI finger pointing from El Presidente the family doesn’t want their daughter’s name drug through the mud by a bunch of fucking stupid neck beards
  4. Which brings me to another “wrong with the AF” point… we’ve got this ingrained cultural problem where a certain sect of SNCOs feel empowered to and expect that they can just run over captains, majors, and even lieutenant colonels. I call it “excessive professional deference”. Sure, you’ve been in longer and I respect your technical competence, but the last time I checked, an O-3 or O-4 still outranks an E-7, 8, or 9. Don’t like it? Tough shit, MSgt…go to OTS and get a commission.
  5. Doesn’t a shirt have more important things to worry about, like taking care of Airmen? ”Roger” or “noted” are appropriate responses to any bullshit from someone like that.
  6. Or when every COCOM wants BTFs
  7. Anyone with a quarter of a brain could’ve seen AFFORGEN was doomed from the start. Same thing with this A-Staff construct at the wing level.
  8. All that is old is new again....so what's the break out now? How does one get to be, say, an RJ nav vs RJ EW?
  9. I had a sixteen DPI 9-line in AFG get cancelled because JAG…do you know how much fuckin work it is to program a sixteen DPI 9-line??
  10. Respecting, yes. Fawning over, idolizing even, is something far different.
  11. Commendable effort…deplorable SA
  12. That’s really piss poor if the wg/cc feels it necessary to go put their finger in the chest of some poor flt/cc because the big bad wing king saw Stan Student with his sun glasses on his head.
  13. Is this the same jackass that said reading to your kid gives them an unfair advantage over kids whose parents don’t read to them?
  14. I'm not giving Tucker Carlson two and a half minutes, let alone two and half hours...
  15. Which is the exact reason I heard we stopped the below the zone madness. Too fast, too soon, not enough experience, and no on ramp later for late bloomers or way to replace misidentified early selectees.
  16. The current Wg/CC did fleet up directly from OG/CC, if that’s what you’re asking.
  17. What a juxtaposition, following Rich Clark.
  18. Oof…OG/CC canned
  19. Anybody else read that AIB report and notice a glaring lack of any kind of blame or indication of a lack of oversight from the Ops Group or the Wing? They seriously took the OSS/CC and the BS/CC and DO to task, and lambasted the squadron culture....but squadrons don't exist in a vacuum. They also made no attempt to ascertain whether or not this same cultural lack of compliance existed in the other bomb squadron. I'd like to think if I were on an AIB and I found this kind of glaring errors, I might at least interview a few of the flyers from the squadron in the same group and ask "Hey, do you guys do this?"
  20. Honestly that’s kind of besides the point. Point is some HAF shoe found out aircrew were doing something, and changed the rule to disallow them from doing it.
  21. The shoes pulled a fast one and changed 36-2903 to remove the verbiage allowing for a “given” or go-by name on flight suit name tags, essentially eliminating “call sign, last name” nametags. Now, it reads “first name last name” They’re really not gonna be happy until every single shred of aircrew morale has been ripped away, are they? Guess my middle name using ass is just gonna be illegal…
  22. And…if this thread isn’t evidence enough already…grow a thick skin and learn to take feedback unemotionally and without your ego in the equation.
  23. Previous AFGSC commander tried the same, because (direct quote) "we get made fun of a lot in joint environments" over stuff like that....ok, so? I make fun of Marines for eating crayons and Navy guys for living on a boat for eight months straight. Why do we have to conform to them? Same idea with why we just changed ever Vice Wing/CC's title to "Deputy"....so we can "align better with the joint force"...sorry, what? It's that hard to understand Vice Wing Commander vs Deputy Wing Commander?
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