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Everything posted by 08Dawg

  1. I got one when I pinned on O-4, but I kinda geek out on stuff like that.
  2. Thought it was interesting they lumped special tactics and combat rescue with rated.
  3. Knowing Global Strike Command, it will only be a matter of time
  4. That’s exactly why we’re using spice brown. God forbid we get mistaken for being the Army....ya know, after we shamelessly stole their uniform
  5. But hey, at least a little common sense broke out and they did the patch reverse on the OCPs rather than the bag!
  6. The Navy has been hanging all kinds of pods off the P-8. Seems like a logical alternative for us too.
  7. I really hate the age categories. The current Army test changes the age standards every four years, ie 18-21, 22-25, etc. It also counts push ups, sit-ups and the run equally.
  8. Buddy going up for his 1APZ board showed it to a couple of us. Didn’t see where it came from. My sq/cc said he’d seen the same thing, too.
  9. Saw an email that said for the upcoming O-5 board, it’s an 85% promotion opportunity.
  10. A step in the right direction! The CSO concept was good on paper, but the career field is far too diverse for a jack of all trades, master of none approach.
  11. "...some particularly outraged folks online said made them feel "unsafe." Yeah, welcome to the real world, there are bad guys out there. Geezus...Heaven forbid we ever have to fight WWIII, because with this PC, thin skinned, hipster latte swigging generation, we might as well just throw in the towel now.
  12. If I had any ambition to be a commander (which I did not) after the last couple of months it would be well and truly dead.
  13. We have to make it different, just for the sake of making it different.
  14. Just saw a new guidance memo, with parts effective 15 January 19...OCP patches authorized on the FDU. Color patches still authorized. The stupid part is that they’re writing the reg to make bag patch wear mirror the OCP set up. Get ready to wear your squadron patch on the left and and wing/WIC/TPS/flag on the right.
  15. Was told recently but have not confirmed that the age limit has been raised to 33. Don't think of it as a touchy subject. If you want it, go get it! It is a highly viable option. I have a couple of buddies right now, one who is 34 and who had eight years AD, in UPT with Guard units. You just have to find a unit that is willing to go to bat for you. Some units are willing to work waivers, while others are not. The trick, I think, is to find undermanned units and target them. Units in places like Charleston or Seattle have a line of applicants out the door and around the corner, but some place that's less desirable would probably be an easier road for you.
  16. Damn it...
  17. Details?
  18. News to me. I've known a couple of Navy pilot to AFRC pilot types, but that'd be a new one. You looking at active or Guard/Reserve?
  19. Par for the course for them. They seem unwilling to pursue age waivers.
  20. Other thing to consider with FF. With one account you can have it loaded on three devices, so I have it on my phone as a backup in case my iPad overheats/breaks/runs out of battery.
  21. I've used FF for years, and had an original Mini. FF was starting to max out the memory on that one, so I got a new Mini 4 and it works great. It's a great combo and I've never cared to try anything else.
  22. Pile on...every one of those six sorties will be 5 hours usually, often more. I got 450 my last deployment. My co was easily north of 500. Bomber perspective- we don't rage at 450 kts at a 100 ft AGL, but we kill our share of assholes. Few, if any, fighter guys can say they've dropped twenty-four JDAM in a single sortie.
  23. I know Barksdale has been getting a bunch, and it was much appreciated. They couldn't get any 12Bs to take the ART jobs because long ago, some genius decided to make all 11B slots GS-13s and 12Bs GS-12s, which was widely considered a slap in the face. Now that there are AGR slots aplenty, many more navs/EWs are taking the full time slots and fixing the manning shortfalls.
  24. Gotta hand it to the guy....to carry on that level of troll for so long....
  25. Doubly hilarious when they're saying that to a squadron full of flyers.
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