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Everything posted by 08Dawg

  1. Hopefully I'm not alone in the fact that I will continue wearing my Friday shirt, unless somebody in a bag with wings on his chest tells me not to. Fucking shoes...this is the AIR Force, we FLY, break shit and hurt bad people. If you're so damned butthurt about not being able to wear a bag, maybe you should've worked harder.
  2. Dude...NEVER fucking lump me in with a shoe like that again. Nellis is the home of the fighter pilot. Just like my Bone brethren, what pisses me off is the PC run amock. When does this madness stop?
  3. I dunno, man...sometimes you have to take a stand. Boyd did, and yes he never made it about colonel, but would you rather be a colonel who's name is still revered by many, or an ass-kisser with stars who is just another cog in the wheel?
  4. It's possible. One of my good friends from nav school went from being a bio-medical officer to being an Buff EW. PM me your contact info, and I'll pass it on to him, if you like.
  5. What happens to all those "leased" DA-40s? And honestly, why do you need to replace those? I'm sure a DA-40 is cheaper than a Cirrus. For that matter, why do you need a -40 instead of a -20?
  6. Don't read too much into it. They haven't dropped a single Buff yet, either.
  7. I was going to say, about the only thing that could have possibly made this story a little more badass was if he had cut one of those hadji motherfucker's head off with a kukri. Either way, I would not want to be on a Ghurka's bad side. That's a good way to get your nuts handed to you on a platter.
  8. Mostly local, with occasional cross countries. I've pretty much ruled out an RG Cardinal due to higher cost and MX upkeep, but it seems speed-wise a Tiger and a 177B are pretty close. Not really looking for alot of load-hauling capability, at the most two people plus me.
  9. Slight threadjack- Looking at buying my own plane (single engine) in a year or so. I think I've got it narrowed down to either a Cessna Cardinal or a Grumman Cheetah/Tiger. Thoughts or opinions on either?
  10. I've got a better idea. You know what would really raise my morale? Send the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders or the Playmate of the Year on a USO tour. Same or less money, more effect, and morale is actually lifted! Problem solved.
  11. That's fuckin' motivating! A kid with a job that he probably never thought would involve combat, let alone engaging targets with an M4 while under fire, and his first thought isn't "Oh shit, better take cover!", it's "oh the hell with this, gonna get my gun off!"
  12. Bitches, gripes, complaints
  13. 59 years and still kicking ass. Here's to thirty more.
  14. To the Raiders!
  15. Well, the "CSO" FTUs are more like Nav FTUs or WSO FTUs, and yes, expect to use whatever terminology your community uses. I've heard at least one story of a Buff nav doing his crew report with "CSO's check complete" instead of "Nav's check complete" and the RN about ripped his skull off. I honestly don't think CSO's going to come into widespread use until quite a while from now. Maybe it'll be when the preponderance of 12xx types are those trained at PCola instead of at Randolph. Heck, now I can be like the crusty LSI guys who always told stories from "Back at Mather". Well, back at Randolph...
  16. Well, guess that dispells the rumor that the Buff was getting a good chunk of the first drops out of PCola. Pretty good drop, though.
  17. Get rid of Kharzai.
  18. You might try out in Haughton, as well.
  19. That, and our defensive suite is alot older and takes alot more man in the loop to make it effective, hence, a more specialized type of aviator.
  20. That's the $50,000 question. How are the communities going to adapt, especially communities like the Buff, the AFSOC-type Hercs, and to a lesser extent the RJs, where you have at least two (and many times more) dudes wearing the same wings but doing very different jobs. How do you pick/designate/select who sits in what seat? The Buff FTU was talking about making guys dual qualed as navs and EWs and upgrading to RN later, but in my mind, that's a nightmare waiting to happen. EWs and Offenders have very unique and different skills sets, and blurring the line is, to me at least, asking for a lack of effectiveness in both seats. For jets like an AWACS, a slick Herc, or a JSTARS with a single nav-type on board, it won't be that big a deal. The FTU might have to work just a little harder to make you the kind of aviator that platform needs.
  21. Seems to be a large body of evidence against him. Hopefully the hammer will fall hard and fast (along with a blanket sts).
  22. The guy I'm talking about worked on Vipers, and flew as part of his job.
  23. Don't wanna get your hopes up too much, but I know an EW who was a developmental engineer, and he flew quite a bit.
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