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About fastnumber15

  • Birthday 10/05/1985

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  • Location
    Little Rock
  • Interests
    Guns, Beer, Camping, Biking, Flying

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SNAP (1/4)



  1. The iPad itself as an EFB isn't completely terrible. You can turn the FLIP on night mode and it isn't bright at all. Works fine on NVGs. I would love to see a program like this on the iPad but AMC has enough trouble just keeping up with far superior programs like Foreflight. I think if the biggest problem is having to switch between one app for pubs and one for plates, then were doing pretty good all things considered. Still better than having to pull out a pub, find what your looking for, and have an approach plate open. The technology to use facetime etc is being toyed around with at AMC already. They like the idea of wifi updates, facetime with maint home-station to help solve issues. If it were me I would pursue the iPad venue regardless because I doubt AMC is going to change at this point.
  2. How the hell is this "goofy". Bunch of ballsy people if you ask me.
  3. FUEGO ELEMENT...any body used one? Leaning towards the Weber, looks like a solid investment.
  4. The Charbroil finally rusted itself useless and with the new Infrared grills out there, anybody have advice on a good grill. Been sticking to gas because of convenience but thinking about trying out wood/charcoal or the infrared.
  5. Im glad they did the study. Can you imagine a plane full of people blabbing on their phones. Flying commercial is bad enough.
  6. fastnumber15


    I close with them on May 9th. So far everything has been pretty streamlined, dont know if it's my Realtor or just USAA. We used our VA and are locked in at 4.75%. Not amazing, but far better than my parents who had 13% in the 1980's. They also send out info saying they need different documents, then on the phone say they already have them. I just sent in a crap load of paperwork in the hopes they will stop asking.
  7. Jesus what a bad week.
  8. Corpus class 1101 C130J Little Rock C130 Peterson C130 Elmendorf X3 C130 Little Rock C130J Dyess
  9. The American version is weak. Hopefully the show will stick around a few seasons and become better. Look at Top Gear from years ago, it's much more entertaining now. George Lopez is the Mexican Antichrist. For someone who hates America so much he sure is reaping it's benefits.
  10. You haven't seen anything yet. Just wait....literally.
  11. Could just be the angle but it looks like he missed the canopy by a foot or two...whew.
  12. Sick. Now go get her a big dutch oven and call it a day.
  13. Weekly Whiting Drop (17 June) Air Force 4 x T-1 Nobody got 38's, and some got third on their list. Must be needing T-1 guys right now. Last week their was a T-1 and UH-1. Slim pickens on the 38's the last two weeks. Generally plenty get dropped.
  14. The only two sites that are actually mostly current are marinegouge.com and coastiecrossover.com. I would definately stay away from the rest. Everything is changing with T-6/T-34 combined ops anyway. Everyone uses the gouge at Whiting. It's encouraged, but encouraged cautiously.
  15. Ummm...because it's gay, obviously. Oh wait, my apologies probably shouldnt say gay anymore...it's retarted, oh shit hold on...cant say that probably either. It's just silly, how about that....just so silly.
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