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Everything posted by tankerbum

  1. Last nights episode got me wondering, what happens to the civilians after they are treated at the hospital? Do they have to find their own transportation back to where they came from, or do they get some sort of help getting home?
  2. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/02/27/doolittle-raider-dies/1952867/ Only four Raiders left. Him him.
  3. Massachusetts forces schools to let 'transgender' boys use girls' restrooms, lockers https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/massachusetts-forces-schools-to-let-39transgender39-boys-use-girls39-restro/
  4. https://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/50749586/ $1 billion wasted on Air Force computer system The Expeditionary Combat Support System, designed to save money by combining hundreds of existing computer systems, has been deemed a failure. Sen. John McCain described it as ‘one of the most egregious examples of mismanagement in recent memory.’ NBC’s Lisa Myers reports.
  5. Yet another example of how little the public understands about aviation. Glad he had an FDR to prove he was almost 1000ft about the dome when they claimed he was only 100.
  6. Didn't fill my out until getting to my UPT base.
  7. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2012/02/02/fear-factor-contestants-told-by-nbc-to-shut-up-about-banned-episode-starred-in/?intcmp=features Just when you thought reality television couldn’t get any lower … this happens. Twins Brynne and Claire Odioso went on the current season of NBC’s popular stunt/dare game show “Fear Factor” and drank a big glass of donkey semen. But it’s not the act itself that the ladies are spewing about. It’s the fact that on Monday night the network pulled the episode – titled “Hee Haw! Hee Haw!” – and replaced it with a rerun after news of the jaw-dropping episode leaked and freaked people out. “We are disappointed because we wanted to share the experience with our friends and family,” Brynne Odioso told Gawker.com, after calling into Tampa-based radio program The Cowhead Show and elaborating that it was the “hardest 15 minutes of (their) life.” RELATED STORIES VH1 show seeks moms and daughters who are pregnant at the same time 'Major Network' Seeking 30-Year-Old Grandmas for New Reality Show “If you vomited you would have to start over, I ended up just vomiting in my glass and drank that. The camera men were vomiting,” one of the twins said. “It smells. It’s so bitter, and it has a little hint of hay.” But not only did the Odioso girls gag, it seems they have now been gag-ordered by NBC to keep their lips sealed about the incident. The twins told reporters that the network scolded them for “revealing too much” and reminded them they are bound by confidentiality agreements. But according to a well-placed insider familiar with the show, chances are nothing will come of the controversy, and the hapless contestants may not have been the only ones to do the deed. “I'm sure that the contracts caused the talent to agree to do anything and everything, including eat/drink things from animals. Typically you even accept the fact that you might die in the show and you release all liability,” said our source. “They eat bugs, rats, etc., all the time on ‘Fear Factor’ – and I know that the network tests all challenges before using them to make sure they're safe. So legally, NBC is very likely covered. I also know that they had the choice of drinking the semen or something else, so there was at least an option, although the other option sucked too.” That option was reportedly donkey urine. NBC did not respond to a request for comment, and one expert says the network isn't the one who come out looking bad in this: the twins do. “It is outrageous, and exactly what the program is designed to be. When you agree to go on ‘Fear Factor,’ anything is possible and you clearly should expect the unexpected. So while most of us would think of drinking donkey semen as disgusting, you sign up for that when you sign on the dotted line,” said image and PR expert Glenn Selig. “People have become so desensitized to the lunacy of reality shows; it’s difficult to see the public being outraged with NBC over this. Actually, I would expect that the public will take the position that the twins knew what they were signing up for, and got exactly that.” But they didn’t get the air time they had anticipated – and have been quick to defend their actions, telling TMZ they were “proud” of such an achievement, and would “probably” do it again.
  8. This link my help https://vance.pinnaclefamilyhousing.com/Apartments/module/property_info/property[id]/17031/ There are floor plans and a few photos too.
  9. The Department of Defense POW/Missing Personnel Office (DPMO) announced today that the remains of two servicemen, missing in action from the Vietnam War, have been identified and returned to their families for burial with full military honors. Air Force Col. James E. Dennany, 34, of Kalamazoo, Mich., and Maj. Robert L. Tucci, 27, of Detroit, will be buried as a group Jan. 14, in the Dallas-Ft. Worth National Cemetery. On Nov. 12, 1969, Dennany and Tucci were flying the number three aircraft of three F-4Ds escorting an AC-130 gunship on a night strike mission over Laos. After the gunship attacked six trucks and set two of them on fire, the AC-130 crew's night vision equipment was impacted by the glow from the fires. They requested that Tucci attack the remaining trucks. During the attack, gunship crew members observed anti-aircraft artillery gunfire directed at Tucci's plane followed by a large explosion. No radio transmissions were heard from the F-4D following the attack and no parachutes were seen in the area. An immediate electronic search revealed nothing and no formal search was initiated due to heavy anti-aircraft fire in the area.
  10. Martha Gillis was featured on Sunday Morning on CBS this past weekend during the opinion segment. Touching and dead on correct. Here is the link to the video: Martha Gillis on Sunday Morning
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