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Everything posted by Herkdrvr

  1. Thanks for the info. The frau and I have been contemplating leaving USAA for a while. Will definitely look into Auto Owners. BTW--congrats on +20%.
  2. 40% is a healthy chunk of change. Were there other factors besides price that made you select Auto Owners vs. any other non-USAA insurance company?
  3. Several have already given you solid advice. Another path is to go to your IG office & submit a complaint. Tell the IG TMO/JPPSO is not responsive despite having known about this mover's lousy performance at the outset of your move. As far as a resolution, tell the IG you want a face-to-face with a knowledgeable QA representative & weekly updates on their subsequent interactions with the contractor. The IG should help get the appropriate people in touch with you.
  4. Board members have very little time to review records. Sometimes the paper doesn't tell the story; most times it does. Letters fail for multiple reasons including excessive emotion, demonstrate lack of responsibility/accountability, don't address the issue(s), redundant to the record, or are far too verbose. If you write a letter, it should succinctly bridge a records gap the board members can't resolve without said letter.
  5. Sir, this is a Wendy's.
  6. +2. I benefited from this specific expenditure. I'm currently sporting a Garmin Fenix Pro courtesy of Uncle Sam. One of the justifications was the altitude function which allows you to set elevation alerts; aka hypoxia preventer.
  7. Not sure about 30 years ago, but the (AF) regulations say you're supposed to salute the POTUS & VPOTUS, among others.
  8. Maybe the unit should revoke "UNLTD" warrants for those who pay delivery fees greater than the patch cost.
  9. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3771112/general-officer-announcements/
  10. Are you at liberty to share?
  11. Herkdrvr

    Gun Talk

    Having read the perspectives of several BOPS members, I started doing some research to better educate myself on the overall topic. Looks like the Colorado House is starting to slide down that slippery slope.
  12. Herkdrvr

    Gun Talk

    Thank you Nunya. Definitely compelling statistics there.
  13. Herkdrvr

    Gun Talk

    I agree that "ghost guns" is a fabricated term and that serial numbers don't stop the illegal use of a firearm. Do serial numbers elevated the number of solved crimes though? And if so, by how much? Rhetorical questions really because if serial numbers become (or remain) a necessity what precedents am I then potentially allowing?
  14. Herkdrvr

    Gun Talk

    Thanks Helo. Before this BOPS discussion, if asked, I would have said I support serial numbers but not registration. Maybe the serial numbers is too big of a door as M2 alluded to earlier.
  15. Herkdrvr

    Gun Talk

    Thanks CH. Seems as though your primary argument is against legislative openings that potentially set precedent for even more restrictive legislative moves. I can see that angle. I certainly wouldn't want to have a targeted ammo tax, for instance. Four Fans has a point, imho, regarding "well regulated". Going to do some more research on the ghost gun ban & its implications.
  16. Herkdrvr

    Gun Talk

    Sarcasm noted gents. Would like to understand your perspective though.
  17. Herkdrvr

    Gun Talk

    I'm a 2A proponent and government's extensive overreach into firearms/ammo is ridiculous. However I'm not a fan of ghost guns. It's like a car without a VIN or license plate. When an a$$hole hits your car in the parking lot, no way to track them down. Or when your expensive mountain bike gets stolen, how do you submit the police report without a serial number. The FAA needs a registration for an sUAS and they're less deadly and used in less illegal crime than ghost guns. Minimally having a serial number would aid law enforcement & could maybe help recover your personal firearm in the event of loss. Genuinely curious why permitting ghost guns is a good thing? Or rather, why overturning this rule would be beneficial. Perhaps there's a nuance or piece of specific legislation I'm missing.
  18. Googled it. Yes & yes.
  19. "Oh ye of little faith."
  20. Neither do the Bobs. They'll leave the AF just as perplexed as they are today. Then, they'll join various defense contractors as board members/advisors to continue not solving said problems.
  21. I applied & was accepted into the pool. If nothing else, an accepted application is good for 5 years. Apply & give yourself the option. My understanding is you don't teach anything other than JROTC military classes, you shouldn't be teaching calc. That said, there are extracurriculars like field trips to AF bases, retreat ceremonies etc. you may have to lead. As far as the $$ work, I know the schools minimally have to close the gap between your retired pay & what you're currently making (base pay), but beyond that not sure on stipends. Someone else will have to chime in. Congrats on retirement BTW.
  22. I think he means elimination of landing A-1.
  23. Gotta agree with Danger41 here. Frau and I left our beloved doggo with the in-laws for 3 years while we were assigned to Japan. Was great to get away to Guam, Hawaii, Australia, S. Korea and other places without worrying about the dog. Not to mention, lack of a pet increased our housing options.
  24. "Although the USAF footed the bill for her education, Roberta’s degree did not come without a personal price. In exchange for a world class education, Roberta agreed to give the United States Air Force at least ten years of dedicated service. " My UPT commitment was only 8 years. I guess the AF really wanted their pound of flesh back in the day.
  25. DoD Skillbridge is your friend.
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