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60 driver

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Everything posted by 60 driver

  1. FWIW this is pretty much exactly what I did. Wish I could say I actually had the forethought to plan it that way. It you can pull it off it works great.
  2. Minor detail. Completely agree with the rest. Press. e: Hiflyer had some pretty good war stories from the OV-10 in Vietnam a while back.
  3. I actually know at least one brigade ALO that went to Ranger school in the mid 90s. B-52 radar nav (!).
  4. Ran across this at random the other day and haven't seen it posted here. Declassified CIA history of the U-2 and Area 51. I haven't read it all yet but it looks pretty comprehensive. https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB434/
  5. I know the feeling
  6. This made me chuckle. Had the same conversation a few times, my response was generally "I think you and I have different ideas of what a dead end looks like".
  7. Completely bad ass. Cheers arg.
  8. My $.02 as a guy who spent several years as the hiring guy for my ANG unit: Are your numbers ideal? No. Are they a show stopper? Not necessarily, unless you let your officer recruiter make your decision for you and decide not to apply. Anything you get from a recruiter should be considered info only, at best. Let the pilot board tell you no, don't do it for them. I'm sure you'll get lots more specific advice, so the last thing I'll add is, get going, because age 30 is a show stopper.
  9. You mean like leaving the TCAS on TA/RA in the stack and then filing a HATR every time it goes off?
  10. What have you done with the real Bender? They grow up so fast...<sniff>
  11. Unfortunately, that's getting increasingly difficult to successfully pull off, even in the Guard. The perception that sq CC's are being allowed less and less autonomy to actually command their squadrons is preventing a lot of guys who would make great squadron commanders from even competing.
  12. https://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123412588 The January board results were released Thursday. That is NGB/A1 approval if I remember correctly, and not as easy as it sounds. I don't know how the guys above got past the process, but in my current wing, if you are twice passed over you are not getting hired, due to the low Pk of that waiver getting signed.
  13. Google the "Boss, I quit" letter and note the date. Same shit, different decade, although I acknowledge that it is worse now than I have ever seen. edit: here you go
  14. Matmacwc beat me to it. If you're looking for units like that to apply to, the 150th SOW at Kirtland is in the process of standing up an HH-60 and HC-130 FTU time now. I'm not sure what their UMDs look like at the moment, but as matmacwc mentioned, their new accessions go out to the CAF for seasoning before going back as instructors. We have one of their helo FEs (sorry: SMAs), and the HC squadron downstairs is seasoning a radio operator.
  15. At least mission/flying is somewhere on that wing's list.
  16. Maybe you should have invited an attorney to speak.
  17. Blue Skies, brothers and sister.
  18. Alaska Guard PJ.
  19. Way late to the game here, but you're killing me dude. 1. There is no justice 2. Timing is everything 3. Better lucky than good
  20. I thought my sponsor was bullshitting me when I got the patch and shirt in the mail. "I can't wear that shit down there, I'm gonna get killed." '
  21. Since you mentioned perspective: I am a current HH-60 EP and former A-10 Sandy 1 and Sandy IP. What Rainman and Busdriver have to say is 100% correct. IMHBAO. P.S. Rainman is a former A-10 WIC instructor. Bus is an HH-60 patch. Voice your opinion but know your audience. Show some respect.
  22. Good comm and SA not required for RMC. Copy. I think you've gotten the right amount of attention now. Go ahead and spell out how you think this works.
  23. From the 727 Flight Manual: ENGINE OPERATION ON CROSS/TAIL WIND TAKEOFFS With a strong crosswind/tailwind component, engine surges or compressor stalls can occur if takeoff thrust is set aggressively. In these conditions, slowly and smoothly advance engine throttles to approximately 1.5 EPR with the brakes released allowing the aircraft to begin takeoff roll. Match the rate of throttle movement with engine acceleration. I thought I remembered an actual limit but couldn't find one. The non-Boeing heavy I most recently flew doesn't have an equivalent paragraph to the one above.
  24. Fire up that past experience and elaborate on how the wind affected the engines in flight.
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