It doesn’t really matter if the RJ had TCAS or ADS-B In or Foreflight.. the helo should have had that stuff.
I have no first hand knowledge of their equipment.. but it sounds like the standard Army 60s don’t have it. These 12th AB/VIP 60s should, especially if they are flying in that airspace. And if they don’t have it, they shouldn’t fly in that airspace til they do have it.
And.. even worse, maybe they do have the equipment, but fly with it disabled because of IMHO blown out of proportion OPSEC concerns.. which is what AMC is doing. Drives me nuts that I fly my Herk around busy Class B and C airspace with ADS-B off because.. China. It’s a crock of shit and we will have a mishap one of these days because we aren’t using equipment that could keep us safer in the non-tactical environment.