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Everything posted by herkbier

  1. Exactly. This is the feature, not a bug. Negatory, and others, when you signed up to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, did you not understand the system of government we have? It’s working as intended.. for the most part.
  2. If it’s a short drive, bring the family, I’m glad I did. Montgomery isn’t that bad and they don’t have to just sit in their hotel room. My wife found plenty to do with our 4 month old.
  3. Let’s not forget all the Dems pushing for additional gun control laws while failing to enforce those already on the books.
  4. “Tower, 3 o’clock low, no factor”
  5. I bought a Christoper Ward a few years back, wore it every day for 6.9 years til my squadron bought us Garmin Fenix 6X https://www.christopherward.com/int/dive-watches/C60-Trident-GMT-600/C60-42AGM3-S0KK2-HK.html
  6. herkbier


    Thanks, I’ll have to do a double check on our policies.
  7. herkbier


    AAFMAA was the best when I shopped around for my wife and I. Good rates, no flying or war clauses.
  8. I would set it, and then move it if you have to
  9. Apologies for the dumb question.. Is this Ukrainian insurgency the first time a more developed country has engaged in guerrilla warfare? At least since WWII? I looked for a list of insurgencies and couldn’t easily find a comprehensive list. I ask because this seems to be the most unified defensive action I can recall and it’s obviously progressing much differently than even most of us would have predicted.
  10. All I’ve got to go on is open source intel; from that information I sorta agree. It makes me wonder if our intel on Russian (and probably Chinese) capes are a bit over optimistic. They might have some neat toys, but if the motivation and training isn’t there.. who knows. I really hope our intel community is able to capture all the trons from this war and do some good analysis.
  11. Biden isn’t playing checkers, he’s playing Sorry!
  12. It is exactly like that.
  13. That sucks, rough math is that each class was worth $25/yr in retirement, I guess it’s $17 now. One less six pack of beer..
  14. Shouldn’t it be one point per 3 (not 4) hours?
  15. Oh, good question. Following.
  16. I guess, I see an article about a pumpkin contest that a squadron held; there they “learned” (what a ing stupid term for the PA reporter to use) they have people from a variety of backgrounds. The title says “diversity makes AF stronger” without a single sentence to support the statement. A photo of a non-white Airman from the Sq is used. In another article, Amn from above photo is accused of killing someone. I honestly see it as just another set of shitty PA articles.. but reading you reply again, I see what you’re saying about this particular piece. Don’t get me wrong, I’m with you; diversity based solely on skin color alone is dumb.
  17. Am I missing something? What does the story with diversity (which happens to use this dudes photo) have to do with the murder? Have there been an increase in violent crimes by military members since we started this diversity push, years ago? Was there something in this dudes past that would have normally disqualified him for service but was overlooked in the name of promoting diversity?
  18. Agreed. A strong moral compass is required of any politician (to do a good job).
  19. Are you AD, Guard or Reserve? Just curious which perspective you’re coming from. I disagree, but this isn’t the most outlandish thing I’ve heard. I worked with an well educated Army Major in my last AD job who argued that Officers shouldn’t vote in Presidential elections.. i don’t get this whole “shut up and take orders from your masters thing, both in this thread and the COVID one. The military preaches it doesn’t want a bunch of conformists, that’s why it has got a hard on for innovation and diversity. Some of you would be throwing the book at Billy Mitchell given the chance..
  20. We should’ve trained their women, they have/had more to lose following a Taliban takeover and would have fought.. plus, we would have scored points with the work crowd.
  21. Money and power. I understand how some groups profit from continued hysteria and terror, but I’m not smart enough to really understand how others are benefiting from all this. Ironically.. investigative journalism and watch dog groups filled that role—although, I guess now they are just labeled conspiracy theorists.
  22. It’s actually very easy.. you start with being truthful in everything you say. You have integrity. You admit everywhere you’ve failed to do that. You don’t tell white lies of omission for political reasons or to try and steer people one way or the other. Those institutions have proven they can’t be trusted. It will take time to regain the public’s trust.. that shouldn’t be surprising. edit: You also get out of the news = entertainment business. You engage in thorough reporting and cite reliable, vetted sources. You acknowledge opposing viewpoints without thinly veiled swipes.
  23. Interesting article, definitely need to explore his website a bit more. Curious of course what others opinions on this metric are.
  24. I imagine he confused pawnman with nsplayer.
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