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fire4effect last won the day on April 5 2022

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  1. I'd settle for getting SBRs and suppressors removed from the NFA. Full auto is better served when Uncle Sugar is buying the ammo anyway IMHO.
  2. Another thing that struck me was how the local nationals trusted us in what was effectively a LE role more than they did their own government. We were often transparent to security details for foreign government officials in country because they saw no threat from us as a foreign occupying force but plenty of their own citizens as the real threat.
  3. Very valid point. To that same point I knew a former police officer who left his department some time ago to go to the 135 world and he said one downside was if he came across a minor infraction like underage possession of alcohol or possession of a small amount of MJ he felt he almost had to write a citation versus say just confiscate or pour it out since everything was now on video.
  4. Certainly, when utilized in the context of a mishap but given the sheer number of cameras in use monitoring everything we do I wouldn't be surprised that video evidence wouldn't be used to routinely check performance of individuals in any safety sensitive position. I mean the New York shooter showed just how much that city at least is being watched. I was honestly surprised at the nearly seamless level of surveillance. I don't doubt cameras monitor every step we take in most airports now outside the restrooms. Not saying I agree but it's the reality of the world we live in.
  5. In the end I think insurance companies will be what drives a lot of change going forward. Want insurance in California? Here's what you're (state and individuals) gonna do. Insurance companies are the pseudo regulatory entities of our entire lives. I was laughing with a buddy the other day about how the FAA doesn't regulate aviation, insurance companies do. Florida building codes were substantially updated in the early 2000s for new construction to better resist hurricanes after a run of destructive storms.
  6. Good way to earn your beer money. 🫡 Maybe just maybe California will decide that judiciously clearing some undergrowth is a good proactive measure instead of worrying about mice having a habitat. Has to be done smart to not create another issue with drainage/runoff. Unfortunate it takes a tragedy of this magnitude to affect change.
  7. Question for the experts. So this is all happening outside traditional fire season. Has that limited the assets/personnel available to respond?
  8. You know I'm surprised these haven't been mandated by someone in the FAA for airline pilots at some point. Imagine the fecal fullisade that would ensue if it ever came to pass.
  9. VW commercial is an oldy but a goody. I sent it to several family members a few days ago and they agreed my warped sense of humor is very much intact. On a side note, it seems both individuals were dealing with divorces and to my engineering mind that looks to be "root cause" Some would say the number one cause of divorce is marriage. Just a thought.
  10. Certainly, wasn't trying to stir anyone's pot just an observation on the handling of the airframe. Tail dragger types do raise the operational risk level.
  11. Was taxiing at a midwestern airport a few days ago and watched one of these log at least 2 landings on one pass down the runway. In fairness there was a decent gusting x-wind but it appears the pilot had his hands full. I admit I probably would have too.
  12. DIY exploding drones are changing the game in Ukraine war | Watch
  13. Hopefully something like this.
  14. Not saying it happened here but so many infractions it seems especially at the federal level have the potential for some pretty draconian penalties. Prosecutors love when something can carry a 25-year sentence even when they rarely get that much because it's a really big club to coerce a plea deal and they don't have to actually prove anything in court. Trial penalty is real especially when most of us can't afford a high-priced legal team to keep the government honest. They have unlimited taxpayer money and will go home at the end of the day no matter the outcome.
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