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Everything posted by fire4effect

  1. Some places won't even let you have a hanger unless you have a plane to put in it (or at a minimum a signed contract on one). I mean sure I don't mind leaving my expensive (at least to my budget) plane tied on a ramp for over a year waiting for the next hailstorm. On that note recent tornadoes have seemed to like feasting on hangers as much as trailer parks making the situation even worse.
  2. Probably the biggest issue is getting hanger space. Most FBOs require at least some insurance for hanger space which you certainly can't get without the first two.
  3. THIS! Hits on my 3-year rule of military/government that we've all touched on in BO over the years. A "Good Idea" only has to brief well for the 2-3 years while someone is in a particular position then the results good or bad don't manifest for 10 years or more. Really big decisions are made by the GOs and SESs who will be safely retired on their boat or as you mentioned in their post government defense gig. In fairness we all tend to look at what makes us look good on the yearly OPR/OER/CIV Evaluation. Although ethically we really need to think how our actions will likely affect the long-term viability of the institution.
  4. I seem to recall a guy from a few years back who was offered an interview by SW who cut his King Air ISR gig short to be back for the interview when they called to say the offer was in error. About an hour outside of Dallas. 🤦‍♂️
  5. Kind of reminds me of a story from a family member who flew with SAC (B-47 and B-52) and in Viet Nam (EB-66). On a training flight in a T-33, which gives you an idea how long ago this was, he departed from I believe somewhere in Missouri enroute to Bryan Texas where a miscommunication with the ground crew regarding refueling led to a flameout and ultimately successful dead stick landing. Turns out the ground crew left the fuel cap(s) unsecured, and he missed that on the pre-flight. He did go to an abbreviated FEB common to that era and he was sentenced to hand carry a fuel cap with him everywhere he went for the next 2 weeks. Different times indeed.
  6. One of my favorite statements to give the younger troops is "no one remembers the mishap/accident/attack/ambush etc. that never occurs" It's what we strive for daily if we're doing our job correctly even though you'll rarely if ever get credit.
  7. At least the seats appear to have worked as designed.
  8. If it's a fireable offense, then it should've run afoul of at least one AFI and/or an article of the UCMJ. Though publicly listing which ones would amount to a public accusation and could drive a lot of legal ramifications including calls to prove it. The frag pattern could catch a lot of people guilty or innocent that would like this to go away quietly. I think Big Blue cares a lot more about how this would play in the press and by extension Congress/public opinion than what the rank-and-file think. Effectively Big Blue is exercising the "right" against self-incrimination. Not saying I necessarily agree that it's right but the way it is.
  9. OP, I can see you in 20 years leading a fleet of AI operated military aircraft on the way to world dominance. Pilot? What pilot? I hope you'll be a benevolent overlord.😁
  10. OP, Quick story about a family friend. Went to the Air Force Academy in the 90s. Was all set up with a pilot slot to find out he had a slight blue/green color deficiency. No flying with the Air Force unfortunately. He finished and did I believe 5 years as an Air Force engineer. It may have been less as this was during the Clinton drawdown years and they were letting people go left and right. Honestly during drawdowns they were probably over the top strict on physical requirements so that may have played a role though that would be just a guess on my part. After his service he got his civilian ratings, and he is now well into a multi decade career flying heavies for UPS. Nowadays the VA Flight bennies are a lot better so there is that. You're still young so it's great you're reaching out for mentorship that frankly wasn't available in years past. Take these learning experiences about yourself and use them as you go forward in life and aviation. I have a few stories related to my own career, but we'd need a lot of time over beers. Good Luck!
  11. Having recently pushed a family member in a wheelchair at multiday distant wedding and through the airport on each end of the trip it is hardly worth the effort for the privilege of pre-boarding at least for me. Said family member (80 plus Y/O) can walk/stand okay if the distance/time is short but gets winded very easily. That said I think the only way to truly avoid the stink eye is to be an obvious amputee.
  12. In high school I lamented my lack of ability/weight in the cannonball contest against my classmates. Now, they sound the Tsunami Alarm in the shallow end. I'll show them at the reunion.😁
  13. My question is does the rug match the drapes? I Really Really want to know.
  14. I think Ward Carroll has some pretty good videos/podcasts. In his defense he has brought on some actual Army helo pilots for their expertise.
  15. I think Jeff Foxworthy said "if you believe that the lottery is a legitimate retirement option, You Might Be a Redneck"😁
  16. THIS! After what happened in Israel/Gaza the gloves are off. Iran wants to be coy about it but their fingerprints are all over more that we can let slide. Ukraine/Gaza/Iraq to varying degrees. I do know rank and file Iranians, especially young ones have no love loss for the regime so judicious targeting is paramount. However, SH!T needs to blow up in their backyard that's important and in way we can play coy even though everyone knows where it came from. On another note, I'm sure Israel has a nice Rolodex of important things worth targeting. Truth in advertising: I admit this fight is personal to me because Quds proxies tried more than once and came a little too close to killing me in Iraq.
  17. EFF Iraq. Very little that happens there will get at the root of the problem. Three words. Conventional Prompt Strike.....or whatever they call it right here. Better yet on the headquarters of the Morality Police and or the Quds Force. That sends a message I'm sure they'll get 5 X 5
  18. That's one VERY expensive mishap. I complained the other day that aircrews downed aircraft for a myriad of questionable reasons to allow a stay in a tropical paradise. This crew wanted to leave no doubt.
  19. Someone is showing their age😁
  20. I'd start pumping propane (heavier than air) into the tunnels followed by a Zippo. Not that there aren't enough ignition sources already there.
  21. Honey, I didn't realize you could drive a stick.
  22. I actually know people who take/ have taken psychedelics what their opinion was on this episode and outside of some small studies there's no commercial sourcing. Quality control is very much how much you trust the guy cooking this up. It's possible this had some "extras" added and certain mental conditions may not play well with this. As mentioned above medical supervision is critical.
  23. I've considered building or buying one already built. In fact, I think someone quoted Van's as saying some of their biggest competition is from already built RVs. Go figure. I think if they trimmed their product line back to 2-3 models and figured out how to do a 2 weeks to Taxi like Glasair they could run the table. Most people don't want to spend 4 years building they want to be flying. My .02.
  24. Indeed. I seem to recall several years ago that Islamic radicals in Iraq liked to blindfold gays and give them flying lessons off of multi-story buildings.
  25. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjnq5nU5fCBAxVMkmoFHYqUBZsQFnoECBMQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fus-news%2F2023%2Foct%2F12%2Ffirst-thing-no-power-water-fuel-gaza-until-hostages-freed-israel-says&usg=AOvVaw1VgIRo4xpV1Wg3MoGRln8w&opi=89978449 Looks like the lights stay off until the hostages are released. This might be the one thing that can get the locals to put pressure on Hamas. Good example of effects-based targeting IMHO
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