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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. What the fuck is a "homonym"? (please don't actually answer that, it's a joke.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26UA578yQ5g
  2. Sweet, the wedge has been passed. Link: Douchebag
  3. Legal info? I wouldn't trust what you read on here. I recommend you head to your base legal office and get their take on this uniform travesty.
  4. Holy fuck, I hate people. BTW, newsflash: The cheesy video with the fighter escort has been around for a few years. I can speak with authority because I'm a certified Santa Tracker.
  5. This highlights a good point; the hiring landscape is constantly changing. Yesterday it was AFSOC, today they're not letting fighter/bomber guys move, tomorrow could be airlifters or tankers. Your opportunity may not be today, but you never know when the pendulum of AFPC manning will swing your way. Stay thirsty my friends...
  6. I stand corrected, apparently there are "a lot" of guys permanently assigned to the Mc12. In that case, you're application would be worked through the 9RW. Aloha, I fixed my post.
  7. The recruiting office does not look at any airframe more favorably than another. Getting released from your community will depend on a number of factors including: manning, AFPC quotas, time on station, etc. AFSOC is a tough nut to crack - there have been two guys that have achieved escape velocity in the last 10 years. (2004, 2011). The Mc12 guys can correct me if I'm wrong, but most (all?) line pilots are still TDY to that airframe. You'll have to work your application through your original unit, not directly from the Liberty. Important to note: You will not be considered for an interview unless AFPC agrees to release you to the program if hired. Dude, read the whole thread. Lots of good info here.
  8. Not surprising. I mean, he was a Deuce driver and all. Did you expect anything less?
  9. Not that long, maybe 5-10 min/person? Not flying high, so you don't have to do any leak checks, pre-breath, etc. I've heard they were pretty awful, bruising and whatnot.
  10. Let's get this hi-demand thread back on track. Partial-pressure suit anyone? Top: 1957 Bottom: 2012
  11. Sorry, I've been doing a bit of Veteran's Day-Drinking...
  12. Hey, can you spot the creepy scientologist asshole with the giant ego and Napoleon complex? Never mind, found him. Probably belongs in the WTF thread, but whatever. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2013/11/08/tom-cruise-my-work-as-actor-is-as-hard-as-fighting-in-afghanistan/
  13. Just trying to keep this thread relevant!
  14. Sorry, I think you're off the mark on this one. As a Sq/CC I was EXPECTED to take care of issues as I saw fit. I believe my OG's words were something to the effect of, "You're here for a reason, I'm not doing your job for you..." It's called G-series brother. Now, maybe my experience was unique, but I doubt it. There is good leadership out their; I'm willing to bet it's more prevelant than bad. But shit, what do I know?
  15. Actually, you can't not say head.
  16. I would've called him out for using shitty leadership technique. I guess he was out checking refelective belts and socks when they had the "praise in public, punish in private" class. Douchebag.
  17. I was absolutely not assuming that...that's the problem.
  18. This. Fine, you're gay. Good for you. I don't give a fuck. Why in the holy hell do we have to celebrate the fact that a relative few of us like to play with members of the same team? Maybe it's really a sinister plan to more easily identify...those people. Because that's the only way it makes sense to me...
  19. Apparently his ego wrote a check his body couldn't cash.
  20. Moreno was referring to the territory of Alaska, which we annexed from the Dutch via the Louisiana Purchase after defeating the French in the Mexican-American war of 1812...at least that's what he told me.
  21. I'm glad they've finally compressed five weeks of work into eight. (Actually it's more like two into eight, but whatever...)
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