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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. Proof that fear, sarcasm, and ridicule are effective instructional techniques.
  2. The smartass side of me wants to say, "I'd try reading the 'U-2 Dragonlady info' thread." The non-smartass side of me wants to say....hmmm...can't seem to access that side.
  3. I'm assuming by "cheesy" you mean "fucking awesome".
  4. Like a VIDEO video? Or the computer generated re-creation that's floating around?
  5. One year in the desert.
  6. Could be worse, I heard they have conjugal visits. Sicko. For the record, you can't spell funeral without fun either.
  7. I didn't, HercDude did...three posts prior.
  8. Oooookay. I threw a like at you because that's a fact, but I'm not really sure where you're going with that...
  9. Sorry, I got a little overindulgent while revelling in my own hilarity.
  10. So every time somebody posts some shitty grammar sans link, I need to hop on the google? Whatever, I need another scotch. And it's salt and pepper you little fucker.
  11. And then Chuck Fucking Norris made it rain, man.
  12. But what does it look like to you? And, what the fuck are you talking about?
  13. Easy there butt sniffers. He's not Chuck Fucking Norris.
  14. That mustache extends beyond the corners of the mouth and the lipline.
  15. I think we should adopt the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps' waist measurement standards. They seem to have figured that one out.
  16. Said you and nobody else.
  17. I'm a sucker for a girl in a hat. Dibs.
  18. Two takeaways: Apparently StoleIt hangs out with assholes and viewing NSFW material at W is not always worth the risk.
  19. Do ERTs take 2-3 times longer than planned?
  20. If anybody is near the Sacramento Sheraton Grand tomorrow night, may want to stop in. Small gathering of aviators drinking a lot of booze and causing problems...
  21. I've hired an attorney and will fight your plagiarism lawsuit tooth and nail.
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