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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. Yeah, "John" likes to run his man-pleaser quite a bit. Almost sounds like he knows what he's talking about.
  2. Sorry, I don't speak Spanish. Is that anything like "the more it changes, the more it's the same thing"?
  3. I'm not sure why, but HiFlyer calling people DBs is funny.
  4. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Recycle detector.
  5. Please Huggy, quit referring to your disgusting Ensure/prune juice cocktail as "Myoplex". We had some of the new stuff last year. Hashbrowns with bacon, Key Lime Pie, and Cinnamon Zapplesauce (w/ caffeine) were all winners.
  6. This reads like a damn Onion article. http://news.yahoo.com/ohio-amish-beard-cutting-ringleader-gets-15-years-183805098.html
  7. Apparently I'm either a shitty fan or I don't have a conscience, because I definitely do not feel guilty every time a guy takes a shot to the helmet. Yeah, but according to the President you were not a "grown man" and you were incapable of "making decisions on your own". Oh yeah, you didn't have a union looking out for you either. You, my friend, are a victim.
  8. Sorry, the term "on staff" makes me a little uncomfortable.
  9. Head to your nearest airport and talk to a C-5 crew. Chances are better than average that Fred is there waiting on parts.
  10. No wonder I've never heard of it.
  11. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Yeah, I'd have to say the former is a much more likely scenario, for me at least.
  12. I like how you put your favorite links in your signature block so we can all have easy access to them. Brilliant!
  13. Ok, I give up, what's a "sock check"? I'm assuming since Napolean_Tanerite mentioned it, it's probably a metaphor for some sort of deviant sexual behavior.
  14. Huggy/Kuma, for the record, Depends do not count as "lingerie". I'm not sure who I'm making fun of...
  15. I went to your link Motrin, just for the hell of it. My head hurt halfway into the second post. Hey speaking of aches and pains, how 'bout you hook a brother up? I'm just about winchester on my stash of Vitamin M horsepills.
  16. Spoo

    Gun Talk

    Sweet. I'm going to sit on GunBroker and wait for all the used 10 rd mags to pop up. GMAFB. EDIT: Take note: heavy dose of sarcasm.
  17. I know of two that were hired. Kind of like your mom would be an easy crossflow from a Dyson vacuum. EDIT:
  18. Young and dumb. I can picture the conversation in which "Hey, I know what we can do tonight!" came up, immediately followed by the beer shotgunning.
  19. Spoo

    Happy New Year!

    Is he/she laying on his/her back or stomach?
  20. It's a shame they retired their old SIGINT platform...it was beautiful. It just looks British.
  21. Disregard. Anybody know where I can buy a Warrior Dress?
  22. So I suppose this is now inappropriate? Who do you think will call first, the SARC or MEO?
  23. I can't imagine what it's like, but it must be pretty tough to be a Vikings fan. I applaude your dedication.
  24. EASYCOM will still be rocking the blues. Funny anecdote: About six months ago the CDR decides he likes the AF's blues monday idea, so he adopts the policy. Now everybody (Army, Navy, etc.) is wearing the "Class B" on Mondays because of us. So, what do we do? Turn around and shitcan the policy. Absolute poetry. No wonder the other services can barely hide their contempt. Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes... Edited for coherence.
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