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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. The butter face ruined it for me.
  2. Apparently you didn't read the entire article.
  3. I could, but I'm pretty sure self-designation is for dipshits.
  4. It's like you have your very own Barry Sanders! BTW, I rarely do this, but did you notice that I changed my avatar?
  5. Wait...what? I thought herbivores are the ones with the Chief Pilots. I'm confused.
  6. #42 is Morgan Burnett. He had two picks yesterday. SKOL!!!
  7. Man, you guys are paranoid. I actually didn't know what the hell he was talking about. BKIH...that's funny.
  8. What are you bitching about? You actually got a response.
  9. Hip, knee...whatever. I just know you no longer amble around like a saddlesore cowboy. Awesome. Isn't that the shit Wolverine's claws are made of?
  10. I tried to be subtle in my earlier post: Of course, there's also the other 15 posters who've since referenced Gen Welsh and the occassional reference to Gen Welsh in various forms of print and online media...
  11. Maybe it's cuz it's 0700, but that shit is funny. +1 to you my friend.
  12. Reminds me of AF pilot retention...
  13. Can you clarify this a bit? What question did said Missileer ask Gen WELSH? As written, your post seems to say that CSAF is referring to the fact that he hasn't written a blues on Monday policy. If that's indeed the case, can we then infer that all policies written by a previous CSAF become null and void immediately following the change of command in which incoming and outgoing CSAFs were both wearing band uniforms?
  14. I like the "crash test dummy" paint scheme. Seems appropriate.
  15. I heard that since your mom is so old and expensive, your dad just logs currency hours in the co-located pool boy.
  16. Don't forget his iron knee...or it might be titanium, or stainless steel, or something really cool that I don't even know about.
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