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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. My first thought was, "Holy shit, it's Thanksgiving and you're sitting around thinking about 6 year old threads?!?" Then I poured another Scotch.
  2. Talk about beef curtains...that's nasty. Back to the topic in at hand. This Kelley chick is a real winner and this whole GOFO groupies and Friends of Base X thing is mildly annoying. Long article, I bolded some of the real gems. Put out by the AP via USA Today. Incidentally, this is probably the first time I've read anything from USA Today when I wasn't drinking coffee in the lobby of a <insert hotel name> while waiting for a ride to the jet. http://www.usatoday....-tampa/1703995/
  3. No, wait, it was a butcher's ass and your bull...
  4. Ok, so I don't have to Google it, what's the difference between a regional accreditation and a national one ( referenced in the post before mine)?
  5. Really? No shit? Thank you Sir. You need to get out more.
  6. Forgive my ignorance, but does that mean that Trident is internationally accredited? If so, and your choice between Online Masters Program X and Online Masters Program Y hinges on that fact, you're a douchebag.
  7. Spoo

    Hurricane Sandy

    No, you are not. I also find it funny that the Weather Channel uses the hashtag "#sandy". Edited for "punctuation".
  8. Kudos to Boeing on the artist's rendition. I'm pretty sure I dodged those buldings in the Tweet sim in UPT.
  9. Ah, the ol' Cooper-Harper scale...
  10. Standard Huggy. Flying whore.
  11. Oh, those were little B-2s? I thought they were throwbacks from circa 1975.
  12. No shit. Kids these days, no respect for the classics...
  13. Wait for your predecessor to leave behind the tail wheel from his above-max-crosswind landing. BOOM! Deuce tail wheel on your bar at home. So you're into multiple swords, huh? PM sent.
  14. Wow. That's all great, but doesn't answer the original question, does anybody else NOT give a shit? BTW, you were right, he didn't go Mach one, it was .9 Mach. I still consider it more ballsy and impressive given the state of 1950’s technology. And...It would be slightly less amazing to go to the moon today than it was in 1969...slightly. And...who's Travis Pastrana? And...why am I spending so much time responding to your post.
  15. It might be a little embellished, but who cares? Let it ride.
  16. Am I the only person who doesn't give a shit about this? Col Kittinger already did it. It may not be in the record books, but his body went Mach one in a pressure suit, and a crappy one at that. Physically, physiologically, aerodynamically, etc. there's no difference between 103k and 120k. Whatever, good luck dude. Hope you don't crater.
  17. Word. I reference the latter portion of my original post.
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