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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. Damn. Godspeed BHB. Dude built a climbing wall in his Q room in UPT. Not sure why that was the first thing I thought of... Thanks for this bro.
  2. "HMFIC"? It's MFWIC. Mother Fucker What's In Charge. I have no idea why it's What and not Who, but who fucking cares. ASIP. Another Scotch Induced Post.
  3. Huggy, be advised, I'm rocking the Solo Patch everyday at NC. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help*. EDIT: * Other than have another glass of scotch...cuz I just did that.
  4. No worries, we were having fun regardless of your involvement.
  5. My God. Don't worry, that sunshine is firmly implanted in Huggy's ass. Buy some damn knee pads for shit's sake.
  6. Take my word for it, Huggy's a totally adequate pilot.
  7. If you're truly interested, then I recommend you read the previous 16 pages of posts. AFTER you read those, and go here: http://www.beale.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=5077, PM me or Huggy if you still have questions.
  8. Probably, but after the Pack gets done telling them to stuff it (zing), they'll go back to counting their championships/polishing their Super Bowl rings. Just like the Vikes would do...oh, wait a sec.
  9. Why? I think Hacker was trying to say that, had he been in the same situation, that tower might have caused him to lose his SA.
  10. Huggy, since you worked in the recruiting office, you can handle this one.
  11. I love his show 'Dirty Jobs'. I had no idea he was into aviation. Sorry, that's the Famous Grouse talking. I'll delete this in the morning.
  12. A year ago this jet was never going to fly again. Never say die.
  13. I thought Masshole's lame MJ comment was worse than Vertigo's lame joke. Him, him.
  14. Don't worry, I know what you meant.
  15. I love staffing packages.

  16. Justanothercadet who should've thought twice about posting.
  17. You make movies long enough, something like this happens.
  18. That's exactly what he said. Let me clarify though, "travel expenses" includes the dedicated airlift required to haul their glittery asses all over the world, ground transport, lodging, etc. This "band" is not cheaper to maintain than an aircraft demo team, especially since that aircraft will still be flying the line if it's taken off the demo circuit. If I'm still not getting it, please explain to me what the "real cost" is.
  19. You are nucking futs if you think the travel expenses, care and feeding costs, per diem, etc. of TIB is less than the price of one A-10 working a few air shows every year.
  20. Vulcan 607 is a pretty good read about Operation Black Buck, the Brit long range bombing effort during the war. Spoiler: They used 15 Victor tankers and 2 Vulcan bombers to get one Vulcan over the field and planted one 1000lb bomb on the runway...which the Argentinians quickly repaired. Totally worth it. http://www.amazon.co...k/dp/0593053915 For those of who aren't "readers", here's the gist: http://en.wikipedia....tion_Black_Buck I think HercDude's pic is that Vulcan that those crazy Brit bastards restored a couple years ago. Seems like a fairly inexpensive endeavor... http://www.thunder-a...an/tothesky.php
  21. Your eligibility for school is not dependent on your TOS. Go to the following page: AFPC Force Development, Active Duty Officer Developmental Education and Special Programs (https://gum-crm.csd.disa.mil/app/answers/detail/a_id/13091/p/8%2C9/c/549). There are options to view 2012 eligibility and the CY2012 call for nominations. You may be younger than this, but it should give you an idea when you will be eligible.
  22. Today's second go belonged to the Bold Tigers.
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