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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. Hmmmm...I noticed she wasn't wearing her reflective belt. I'll be phoning your DO in the morning to discuss your Q-3.
  2. Rog, thanks. Although, I am impressed that he was on the job in under an hour. He was also able to evaluate my priorities based on a single sarcastic post. Bravo.
  3. Where's USAFpilot when you need him/her/it?
  4. Bullshit, they're making room for the U-2's replacement.
  5. Spoo

    Mustache March

    What's an "ass beard"?
  6. Don't sweat it Kuma, he's just trying to make himself look good.
  7. Sorry, I haven't been on here in a while, but I felt the need to comment (and I haven't given Huggy shit in a while). We have FLIP in the jet? Must be a two thousand hour thing. I'm near one thousand and I have yet to open up a FLIP chart, approach plate, etc in the jet. Just saying...
  8. Oh, it's a full three day land and water pressure suit survival extravaganza! The Tahoe National Forrest somehow reminded me of the mountains around Spokane. If you're lucky, you'll go through in the warmer months and the CHP will give you a lift out of Scott's Flat Lake.
  9. HiFlyer, You need to fix your dino avatar. Edit: apparently Flyer has an "L" in it.
  10. (Well, given my avatar, I had to post something...)
  11. In other words: Hanie sucks, but so does everybody else on the Bears squad. By default you're hanging your hat on Cutler. Really? Sorry, back on topic: Tebow.
  12. Thank you. I couldn't care less about Tim Tebow or his religion. It's just annoying that the guy is playing mediocre football against average to below average teams and the media has decided to turn him into some magical fourth-quarter-against-all-odds-play-maker. If anybody should get the credit it's the Doncos Defense. BTW, Dilfer you're a horrible analyst, but you're a genius because you've parlayed your football career into an a job with ESPN where you just have to regurgitate what everybody else is saying and look smart....sorry, I digress.
  13. Religious shenanigans aside, Tim Tebow is not the "second coming of Christ" in the football world.
  14. I lived near him during my last stint at Beale. Short story long: He likes to shop at the commissary. I followed him on my way into work a couple times (license plate: BELLX1A). Apparently he gave up breaking speed records a long time ago. On one occasion I passed his ass at the first piece of straight road we came to and received the "You're #1!" signal for my troubles. I respect his accomplishments but dude is just your standard grumpy ORF at this point.
  15. Damn, we're busted. I so loved selecting old military aviation "heroes" and then just running them into the ground for no apparent reason. What the hell am I going to do now? Guess I'll go back to cooking and cleaning... BTW, something tells me if someone were to call him an asshole to his face, they wouldn't be the first.
  16. Can somebody explain to me what's so god-awful about a switchblade...ahem, a folding knife with assisted opening? After it's open it essentially becomes a "fixed" blade which, as far as I know, is completely legal. And don't give me that concealed weapon crap... BTW, is AFSOC still issuing new knives every other month?
  17. Pawnman alluded to it above, but are you sure you're ready for that?
  18. Spoo

    Jet Pac

    Finally, an affordable hobby for the common man. BTW, is Jet related to Tu?
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