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Everything posted by Spoo

  1. AP Article Anybody know why we brought the fallen Afghan troops back to the States?
  2. Hmmm...he's a flaming asshole AND a senile ORF. Brilliant! Anybody remember when he was pimping the F-5...I mean F-20?
  3. Got some new greens and deserts. They're made by "Popper", whoever the F that is. They still suck. Actually, they're slightly worse than the last batch. They pill up when you touch them and apparently science still hasn't figured out how to conquer chronic zipper flare.
  4. I don't know what you guys are talking about, I think Jager is awesome. Sorry, I just wanted to post a pic of that cooler.
  5. We really need a sarcasm emoticon.
  6. Well, at least she's smoking hot...
  7. Pretty sure Yeager doesn't either.
  8. Spoo

    Bye Bye Beret

    Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
  9. Spoo

    Bye Bye Beret

    Yup, can't believe it hasn't happened yet.
  10. Hey, maybe the AF could buy all those leftover berets! What a horrible perspective.
  11. Now HERE is a worthwhile thread! IBTL.
  12. Well, I'm glad the good folks at Wired were able to point them in the right direction.
  13. Why didn't he just say that then, instead of spewing that "but ye of narrow mind" bullshit?
  14. Dude, is your 'caps lock' button broken?
  15. Guess what Jack, UPT stud was/is your "real" job. What a crock of shit.
  16. You've got to be fist-fucking me.
  17. Spoo

    Shoe Clerk Vol 3

    I doubt it. Dude commented on his own article: EDIT: This guy's worried about saluting? I think proper grammar and writing intelligible sentences are far more important when trying to present the image of a competent, professional Airman.
  18. <sigh>....reference two posts up.
  19. You actually believed that? Wow. I was going to say something about a broken sarcasm detector, but maybe it's just a sad testament to the current state of the force...
  20. You're right, he's not that stupid. He actually hands out reflective vests when guys get their in-brief, but you only have to wear them on the flightline and to/from the chow hall.
  21. Sorry, my time spent in the big house gave me a different impression. Wait, didn't you IST from the Dept of the Navy? No he's not.
  22. You know we got the idea for mandatory PT gear and reflective belts from the Army, right? While I agree there are elements of senior leadership whose focal plane is seriously fucked, you're nuts if you think the AF is the only service with a crushing bereacracy and an assload of queep.
  23. That's a good one, might come in handy one day.
  24. EDIT: Rule one of a gunfight: don't be a piss-ant coward douchebag with no real training who stands no chance against a true patriot and professional.
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